Friday, November 23, 2012

Why isn't Java used for modern web application development? - Programmers

Why isn't Java used for modern web application development? - Programmers: "Java absolutely is used for modern web application development. Particularly once you get to the slighly larger / more complex / scalable end of the web application spectrum.

If you are interested in modern, productive tools and frameworks take a look at:

The Play framework
Google Web Toolkit
Tapestry 5
But I think most truly modern web development on the JVM platform is likely to be done in one of the new JVM languages rather than using Java directly, with Java simply providing the backbone in terms of underlying libraries and back-end infrastructure. There is a lot of web development happening in Groovy (Grails), Scala (Lift), JRuby (JRuby on Rails) and Clojure (Noir, Ring/Enlive+lots of custom frameworks) to name but a few.

With all the innovation happening the new JVM language space, I personally suspect that Java will ultimately become the "assembler of server-side programming"."

'via Blog this'