Monday, August 21, 2006

Mass link dump:

Feedburner Chicklet chooser - Nice little links to put on your blog feed.
jsdoc - Javadoc-like documentation for Javascript. I'm having a lot of fun with Javascript, especially with the Prototype.js library which makes life pretty sweet.
The Joy of Migrations - In Ruby on Rails. Migrations are really nice, I had read the Agile Rails book and was doing the manual SQL, but Migrations are much sweeter, and database agnostic too.
Carbonmade - I'm in love with Carbonmade. - Nice links to add the site to Digg and such.
What's the point of Closures - In Java.
MIDI Primer in MAKE magazine
Fonttester - Test how fonts look in an HTML document.
Tutorials for creating diagrams and graphs.
Ruby Cookbook table of contents - I might just have to get this one, and they've just released the PDF version for half-price.
Surface plots of image data in GNU R
file_column - I'm using this for a new site I'm designing for my Mom's artwork -