I've always loved Fonts, they are just such sexy things, and with all this work on designing these websites, I've been looking at fonts quite a bit lately. There are so many fonts out there, some free, some really expensive, and it seems that we're sampling some kind of parameter space, each new font is another point in this parameter space. Some new fonts add dimensions to this parameter space, and it is a very high dimensionality parameter space indeed. I'm thinking of these parameters, and how to express them. That's one of the things I'm thinking about today.
The other thing I'm thinking about recently is how to create really robust applications with Javascript, Ruby on Rails, HTML and CSS. User interface design has never really been that thoroughly mapped out, even with traditional GUIs, but in this new space, with Javascript on the client, some kind of backend on the server, and the interface constructed with HTML and CSS, things are really complex. It's hard to tell where you should put things, whether to put more intelligence on the server or on the client, and CSS has so much unexploited power. This is another thing I'm thinking about today.
Font Editors for Macs
Fontographer - The premier font editing program
Font Lab Studio - From fontlab.com as well.
Links to making fonts
Real Font Morphing
Font families
Font Forge - A open source font editor for Linux
What the Font - Find a font name from a scanned sample
FontUtils - From a google search
FontUtils - Top of document
FontForge homepage
Linux Font HOWTO
Custom Font Design article
Search Free Fonts
OpenType info
Microsoft Typography
OpenType info from Adobe
Adobe OpenType documentation
OpenType format - From Microsoft
OpenType overview - From Adobe