Friday, December 14, 2001
Wednesday, June 27, 2001
Thursday, June 21, 2001
Monday, June 11, 2001
Thursday, June 07, 2001
Wednesday, June 06, 2001
Tuesday, June 05, 2001
Monday, June 04, 2001
Monday, May 28, 2001
and the same things are bringing up the same dreams. Like a pot tightly covered, when the dreams are supressed, they come up later with much force. Now, getting to the gentle dreams, some very gentle and beautiful dreams lately. This morning, I woke up so happy from my dream, such a pleasant country dream, staying at a house in the country, visiting a quiet shop/restaurant and talking to gentlepersons.
Thursday, May 24, 2001
Tuesday, May 01, 2001
Saturday, April 28, 2001
Reinstalled Windows 2000 on Vayu, made yummy omlettes with bacon, went and bought the new Sheila Chandra, This Sentence is True, loaded up on Escents soaps (Tea Tree mostly, but also Mint Eucalyptus and Siam Spice), had coffee with Melissa, made a huge pot of chili and installed a whole bunch of software on Vayu. Listening to Sheila Chandra now, it is very awesome.
Thursday, April 26, 2001
Wednesday, April 25, 2001
Thursday, April 19, 2001
Wednesday, April 18, 2001
structure more funky so that it resembles real contig/clone data. Wow, that was a one to fit the
brain around, let me tell YOU! :)
Tuesday, April 17, 2001
Friday, March 30, 2001
Thursday, March 29, 2001
$8 = (struct PathItem *) 0x804a9a8
(gdb) print list_node->next
$9 = (struct PathItem *) 0x804a9f0
(gdb) print list_node->next->next
$10 = (struct PathItem *) 0x804a9c0
(gdb) print list_node->next->next->next
$11 = (struct PathItem *) 0x804a9c0
(gdb) print list_node->prev->prev->prev
$12 = (struct PathItem *) 0x804a9a8
(gdb) print list_node->prev->prev->prev->next
$13 = (struct PathItem *) 0x804a9d8
(gdb) print list_node->prev->prev->prev->next->next
$14 = (struct PathItem *) 0x804a9f0
(gdb) print list_node->prev->prev->prev->next->next->next
$15 = (struct PathItem *) 0x804a9c0
(gdb) print list_node->prev->prev->prev->next->next->next->next
$16 = (struct PathItem *) 0x804a9c0
(gdb) print list_node->prev->prev->prev->prev
$17 = (struct PathItem *) 0x804a9a8
(gdb) print list_node->prev->prev->prev->prev->prev
$18 = (struct PathItem *) 0x804a9a8
(gdb) print list_node->prev->prev->prev->prev->prev->next
$19 = (struct PathItem *) 0x804a9d8
(gdb) print list_node->prev->prev->prev->prev->prev->next->next
$20 = (struct PathItem *) 0x804a9f0
(gdb) print list_node->prev->prev->prev->prev->prev->next->next->next
$21 = (struct PathItem *) 0x804a9c0
(gdb) print list_node->prev->prev->prev->prev->indx
$22 = -1
(gdb) print list_node->prev->prev->prev->prev->next->indx
$23 = 2
(gdb) print list_node->prev->prev->prev->prev->next->next->indx
$24 = 7
(gdb) print list_node->prev->prev->prev->prev->next->next->next->indx
$25 = -1
Tuesday, March 27, 2001
Friday, March 23, 2001
Thursday, March 22, 2001
// Iterate through this list until all clones are in paths
in_paths = contigs[ctgnum]->num_show;
while ((i < tot) && (in_paths > 0)) {
// Look at both clones
inlist1 = check_inlist(bl[i]->indx1,&c);
inlist2 = check_inlist(bl[i]->indx2,&c);
if (inlist1)
endlist1 = check_endlist(bl[i]->indx1,&c);
if (inlist2)
endlist2 = check_endlist(bl[i]->indx2,&c);
// If both clones are already in the middle of lists
// - yay! do next one
if ((inlist1 && inlist2) && ((!endlist1) && (!endlist2)))
// If neither clone is in a list
// - make a new list out of these two
if ((!inlist1) && (!inlist2)) {
// If one of the clones is the end of a list
// - Add other clone to the end of this list
// Do for indx1
if ((!inlist1) && (endlist2)) {
// Do for indx2
if ((!inlist2) && (endlist1)) {
// If one of the clones isn't in a list, and other is internal in a list
// - add these clones to appropriate PathItem->link
// Do for indx1
if ((!inlist1) && ((inlist2) && (!endlist2))) {
// Do for indx2
if ((!inlist2) && ((inlist1) && (!endlist1))) {
Wednesday, March 21, 2001
Tuesday, March 20, 2001
Saturday, March 17, 2001
Thursday, March 15, 2001
Shiva level in Nethack
A portal is generated at around level 10-15 that takes you to the Shiva level. There are 4 levels,
3 are big rooms, but completely filled with really nasty monsters that don't leave any items. First level is elementals, second is golems, third is demons. Here's the trick, if you have been a pacifist, all these monsters will instead be figurines of these monsters. The fourth level is empty, except for a throne in the middle of the room. Around the throne are an amulet of life saving, a bag of holding,and two blessed figurines of a Archons, Ida and Pingala.
If you have been a pacifist, Shiva is seated in the middle of the room in meditation, and will give you the "Mantle of Shiva", which you can wear for huge AC, protection from fire, cold, level
drain and shocking. You can apply it in a direction and all monsters in that direction will be
turned into figurines. You can invoke it, when invoked it summons another high level pet.
Wednesday, March 14, 2001
Tuesday, March 13, 2001
// Enumerated Mountain Rule
struct PathList;
// One item in a path
struct PathItem {
int indx; // Index into clones[]
struct PathItem *next; // Next PathItem in the list
struct PathList *links;
// One path
struct PathList {
struct PathItem *head;
struct PathItem *z;
// All the paths
struct PathCollection {
struct PathList *head;
struct PathList *z;
Hee hee! Lots of recursive data structures here! Isn't the PathList in PathItem a cute multi-dimensional treat?
algorithms, weird little data structures.. Cool.
I find in C that I stick with simpler data structures like arrays, not like how I used to work in C++,
but then there is more to keep track of in C, which makes it fun and challenging.
int compare_sulstons(const void* a, const void* b)
if((*(struct MatrixListItem**)a)->score < (*(struct MatrixListItem**)b)->score) return -1;
if((*(struct MatrixListItem**)a)->score > (*(struct MatrixListItem**)b)->score) return 1;
return 0;
int build_bestlist(struct Clone **clones, struct Contig **contigs, int ctgnum, int tolerance)
int i, j, k;
int num, tot;
// 1) Allocate memory for list and clear list
num = contigs[ctgnum]->num_show;
tot = num * (num - 1) / 2;
bestlist = (struct MatrixListItem **) malloc (sizeof (struct MatrixListItem*) * tot);
for (i = 0; i < tot; i++) {
bestlist[i] = (struct MatrixListItem *) malloc (sizeof (struct MatrixListItem));
bestlist[i]->indx1 = -1;
bestlist[i]->indx2 = -1;
bestlist[i]->score = 0.0;
// 2) Build the list (half the matrix)
k = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
for (j = i+1; j < num; j++) {
bestlist[k]->indx1 = contigs[ctgnum]->show_indx[i];
bestlist[k]->indx2 = contigs[ctgnum]->show_indx[j];
bestlist[k]->score = sulston(clones[contigs[ctgnum]->show_indx[i]],clones[contigs[ctgnum]->show_indx[j]]);
if (DEBUG >= 2)
printf("Adding %3i %3i %3i\t\t1=%3i\t2=%3i\t%.1e\n",i,j,k,bestlist[k]->indx1,bestlist[k]->indx2,bestlist[k]->score);
// 3) Sort this list by sulston score
qsort(bestlist, tot, sizeof(struct MatrixListItem*), compare_sulstons);
// 4) Print the list out
if (DEBUG)
for (i = 0; i < tot; i++) {
printf("Score = %.1e\ti = %i\tClone A %3i (%s)\tClone B %3i (%s)\n",bestlist[i]->score,i,
bestlist[i]->indx1, clones[bestlist[i]->indx1]->clonename,
bestlist[i]->indx2, clones[bestlist[i]->indx2]->clonename);
return tot;
Isn't that cute? :)
Monday, March 12, 2001
genetic algorithms on them to fix them up. Hopefully will put this right into FPC which would rock, but might be difficult. I'll get it going in contiger first, then go crazy after that.
Sunday, March 11, 2001
// gactg.c
// Read in an fpc file and do a genetic algorithm to fix the named contig
// Genetic operators
// Crossover probability percentages, should add up to 100
#define CROSSOVER 25
#define MUTATION 25
#define FIXWORST 25
#define BLOCKSHIFT 25
#define MOUNTAIN 25
#define POPSIZE 20
#define NUMGENS 10000
#define NUMREPLACE 3
// Types of scoring metrics
#define RUNSCORE 1
// Which score we are using
int score_method = SULSTONNEIGHBOUR;
gactg, my new program name. cool, eh?!
Saturday, March 10, 2001
full GA up and running that looks very promising for doing our contig
This takes 15 seconds to run at home (600 MHz Pentium III) for 10000
generations. Order is perfect, except that 8 should be at the leftmost
Scores are all the sulston exponents between each neighbour and the next.
This tries to minimize that quantity. It's very fast.
Cool, eh!
Best = 0 Score = 581
499 446 426 399 385 374 311 292 251 224 195 190 162 139 124 94 61 31 8 958 920 892 841 633 626 617 596 562
Total Mutations = 7624 Good Mutations = 36
Total Crossovers = 3707 Good Crossovers = 6
Total SpanXovers = 3724 Good SpanXovers = 8
Total Fix Worst = 7537 Good Fix Worst = 212
Total BlockShift = 7408 Good BlockShift = 27
Total Mountain = 0 Good Mountain = 0
shakti 107 [~/GDEV/contiger] %
The inital contig order was randomly shuffled 1000 times, giving clones
like below:
Gen = 1 best = 211 (4)
399 311 446 499 162 958 374 633 841 139 190 195 251 292 892 31 61 94 596 426 562 617 626 385 8 920 224 124
This was the best order at the start.
Thursday, March 08, 2001
Wednesday, March 07, 2001
Monday, March 05, 2001
Friday, March 02, 2001
I've been working on programs to order fingerprinted contigs in the Mouse map, and have been
SUPER busy. More updates soon, I promise.
Friday, January 26, 2001
Tuesday, January 16, 2001
Monday, January 15, 2001
Thursday, January 11, 2001
Wednesday, January 10, 2001
Tuesday, January 09, 2001
> Wheat quits job one day
> Lesa shaved off hair on full moon
> Sness also shaved head
> - Lesa Fehr
Wow! Lesa with shaved head
Flashing eyes, Kali, Shiva
Tremble in fear, Men.
Shave your head, Wheat,
A nice and chilly wind
makes your head feel neat.
Tonight, a full moon,
sness dances crazy moonlight
Shiva, Lunar Eclipse
Monday, January 08, 2001
Sunday, January 07, 2001
Friday, January 05, 2001
Ahh, the new millennium. So nice! I'm still alive! Wish I could have
come to the reunion with all you nice people, but it just didn't quite
work out. It was so nice seeing some of you on the webcam, and it was SO
SO SO NICE seeing in person a few of my favorite pearsonites. Thank you
for visiting! I was in a fragile state, and got much more fragile as the
summer continuued, and I just couldn't come. There are those of you that
will understand, this is for you, dear ones.
It was quite the year, the whole year was going from one extreme to the
other, from a job that was very very stressful (Stormix,,
even though I was filthy rich and had big-ass stock options, to a job that
is totally amazing and rewarding, with great people, and doing very
exciting work in Genomics and Bioinformatics at the BC Genome Sequence
Centre ( Was in a 2 year relationship with a yoga
teacher, which was "!wow!", that ended in August, but we're still best of
friends. Did a huge 10 day Yoga workshop in August which was incredible!
2000 was the year to get back into Yoga, and found Mantra, which has
changed Everything EVERYTHing EVERYTHING! Had some major health concerns,
starting in July, but these are mostly on the mend and under control now.
Shaved my head in August! This is very very cool, and it's still shaved.
;) Basically, went from bottom to top, from top to bottom, and cleared
out a lot a lot a lot of old stuff that wasn't me anymore. I needed to
prove to me and you how hardcore I am, and I've done this, and now I can
come back through gentleness, which is a wonderful way of being me.
After y'all had left the college, I went for a weekend visit, it was the
same place, after all. It was me that was different. Om Namaha Shiva. Om.
Big hugs and love to *all* of you, every last one, even the grumpy ones
who never write KITs! Write me, tell me small secrets, throw your cares
to the wind, love everyone now! I'm at,
Yay! sness rules! peace out!