Sunday, October 29, 2006

href="">Mongrel DoS attack - Using multipart forms. I use a few of these, gotta upgrade.

firefox 2 config tweaks

Essential for me:

about:config - To do the editting

set browser.tabs.tabMinWidth to 0 - I like to see all my tabs.

set browser.tabs.closeButtons to 3 - Show a single tab close button at the end of the bar. Maybe I should even set it to 2, to not display a close button at all...

set network.prefetch-next to false. Pre-fetching... Hmm, maybe in a couple more years, for now, I need my cpu cycles.

set browser.cache.disk.capacity to 5000 - I've only got 256MB of RAM. It keeps me honest and hardcore.

set browser.urlbar.hideGoButton to true - Turns off that green "go" button at the end of the address bar. Helpful for long URLs.

set dom.max_script_run_time to 100 - Helps if you have pages with heavy javascript on them.