Sunday, September 24, 2006


quicktime_helper - A way to embed Quicktime in Rails views
Gmail - Mark As Read Button - A Greasemonkey plugin to add a "Mark As Read" button to Gmail.
Gmail Extended - Extensions for Gmail
Become a Gmail Master
Gmail Macros
Gmail Keys
Simplicity blog
Humanized - Weblog
Fall and Winter Planting Guide
Selenium on Rails
sudo man page
Application Archetypes
Javascript closures for Dummies
Scope in Javascript
addicted_to_caching - A great plugin for Ruby on Rails that allows you to cache all your pages, and then delete the cached files when certain models are changed
whitelist - A plugin for Ruby on Rails that sanitizes variables before you put them on webpages
Rails Conf Europe Notes: Reusing RJS
Rails Conf Europe Notes: Localizing Rails
HAML: RoR's new templating engine
IE + JavaScript Performance Recommendations - Part 1
simply_helpful - A very interesting looking new Rails plugin for simplifying things like render :partial
8 steps to serving better (X)HTML
Debugging Rails Applications

Thank you for your attention and attentiveness.