Monday, September 18, 2006


acts_as_cached - Oh, so sweet, the ability to store any ActiveRecord object in memcached. Very nice.
FormTagHelper - Where I learned about "image_submit_tag", which lets you use an image as the submit button for a form.
nginx - A very nice lightweight front end webserver for mongrel_cluster. It's really small and fast, I'm thinking of using it, since I have such a small memory footprint to live inside on my webservers.
Setting up nginx with Rails and mongrel_cluster
Improving Javascript Performance
Capistrano 1.2.0 is released
Capistrano shell - I love shells. No, I *really* love shells. My new shell, since spring this year, is zsh, and it's so amazing, so powerful. This new capistrano shell sounds very neat, I can see myself running inside Emacs with M-x shell
simply_helpful - A new feature in Rails.
The Capistrano Manual
better XHTML
Ruby Internals Guide
acts_as_sluggable - Really nice and lightweight way to make beautiful URLs that will help search engines. mmm.
Debugging Rails Applications
RSS Extensions
lsof - A Linux uber tool.
Rails Migration Cheat Sheet
installing MySQL on Fedora Core 4
A live datagrid - Pretty nice.
xml-sitemaps - Looks interesting.
Treemap on Rails
Fighting Spam with Postfix
CSS Beauty