Mass linkage dump:
(Man, I need a script to automatically do this from Opera, I get so many links that I want to read and remember but just don't have time for right now. delicious doesn't work for me, it's too slow. Something better, please!)
http-access2 - A way to grab content from HTML pages. Needed by the excellent rssfwd, which I'm going to install locally, because they're having problems with the server.
Hpricot forms goodness - Wow Hpricot rocks for testing HTML pages generated by RoR.
A massive RoR wiki engine - If you have a huge server, this is lovely.
Installing rssfwd - Sweet goodness.
Myths, Lies, and Truths about the Linux kernel - An OLS (Ottawa Linux Symposium) 2006 keynote.
the juggernaut plugin - I'm going to do something a little more lightweight for but this looks pretty sweet for pushing content to clients. Probably majorly resource hungry though.
Testing Ruby on Rails
A Technical History of Apple's Operating Systems - It's all been downhill since the Apple ][, which I did massive coding on. I made a restriction digest reader with photoresistors and the Apple ][ joystick back in 1986. Yeah, I rock.
Time for Contextual Tagging? - Like Anarchia says, maybe not.
Revision Control for groups.
Tim Bray on Ruby
Refactoring to REST
Ruby on Rails Migrations Explained
Gamma formalism - the "chemical reaction metaphor"
Separate data and formatting with microformats
Speed up Apache 2.0 with mod_deflate
Auto-generating schema from Rails migrations
Getting Started With ActiveRecord Migrations
Import CSV File into Database Using Migrations
Safely using models in migrations
Rails Migration Cheat Sheet
CSS Layout Techniques: for Fun and Profit
Box model tweaking
Border-Box vs. Content-Box
Box Sizing Behavior
Advanced box model test
Advanced box model test - part 2
Subversion Properties
compositekeys – ActiveRecord Composite Primary Keys
tabnav for Rails
more tabnav for Rails - Sweet.
HashLife - For when I have lots more time. I love the Game of Life, I remember back in Grade 6 when I tried to program a Game of Life simulator, for a computer camp. It was a little bit beyond me, but I got pretty close.
PostgreSQL Performance Tuning
Performance Tuning PostgreSQL
Performance Tips for PostgreSQL
indices for PostgreSQL
indices in SQL
Wikipedia - Index for Database
Sometimes you don't want to put things in a database. - I used to abhor databases, but now like them lots, but this is a good point, you don't need to put everything in a database. For, I'm not putting pictures in a database, for example.
Fine Typography for the Web
nload - A network traffic analyzer
Server monitoring with munin and monit - I'm going to install both of these. Working on munin first. I'm also going to get it to email me daily graphs, just so that I can have a good feeling for what is going on, and will try to get monit to email me information about when it needs to restart services. I'll keep you posted.
Howto: Performance Benchmarks a Web server - Important, I'll try to remember to do this.
The various versions of CSS