Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Bag of words model in computer vision - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bag of words model in computer vision - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "The BoW in NLP is a popular method for representing documents, which ignores the word orders. For example, 'a good book' and 'book good a' are the same under this model. The BoW model allows a dictionary-based modeling, and each document looks like a 'bag' (thus the order is not considered), which contains some words from the dictionary. Computer vision researchers use a similar idea for image representation (Here an image may refer to a particular object, such as an image of a car). For example, an image can be treated as a document, and features extracted from the image are considered as the 'words' (Usually some manipulations are needed, which are described below). The BoW representation serves as the basic element for further processing, such as object categorization."