Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I am going to build a series of sub/infrasonic speakers in organic
that people can sit and lie down on. These speakers will not just
make sound but will vibrate at low frequencies, scientifically
designed to elict deep reactions from participants, both physiological
and psychological. Eventually I'll be hooking people up to EEG
machines to find the frequencies that will make them have peak
experiences, which could be spiritual, erotic, or "other". The bass
will also be loud enough that people nearby can hear and feel, and
will be part of a eventual multimodal experience.

This is going to be part of an installation/theme camp that I'm going
to be taking to Burning Man next year. It will include visuals,
hammocks and these bass seats. It will blow minds and make people
orgasm and/or have spiritual experiences spontaneously.

My submission to Awesome Shit Club