Embedding SVG in XHTML
SVG at w3.org
Using SVG for Flexible, Scalable, and Fun Backgrounds, Part II
Inline SVG in HTML, with Firefox 3.5
SVG In HTML Introduction
Namespaces Crash Course
SVG embedded inline in XHTML
svgweb - Scalable Vector Graphics for Web Browsers using Flash
JavaScript for use with SVG
SVG at w3.org
SVG Masking
try out SVG in your browser
carto.net SVG tutorial, example and demonstration site
Will Chrome have support for SVG?
SVG at Wikipedia
Raphael.js - JavaScript Library for doing SVG
The magic words in Django was:
return render_to_response('onsets/index.html',
{'onsets' : onsets, 'onset_pixels' : onset_pixels, 'recording' : recording},
{}, mimetype="application/xhtml+xml")