Music as Embodied Knowledge: Info-Seeking Behaviour in a Flamenco Guitar Workshop with guest speaker, Margaret Lam, Masters of Information Studies Candidate.
Wednesday, February 24
KMDI Lab ? Bahen Centre, 50 St. George Street, 7231
4:30 pm -5:30 pm
Much research has been done in the field of information seeking behaviour, information retrieval, information architecture and system design to facilitate the sharing of musical content. With all the advances in the field, there remains an emerging research area, namely, how musical knowledge is being renegotiated in the information age. In this presentation, the preliminary results of a pilot ethnographic study will be presented in the context of multiple disciplines such as information science, ethnomusicology, music education and knowledge media design, highlighting a rich area for innovative interdisciplinary collaboration. This is a version of Margaret's talk which will be given at the British Forum for Ethnomusicology's Annual Conference in Oxford this April.