J.A.I. or "Javascript Audio Interface"
// Create an array of the <audio> resources
var playlist = document.getElementById('jai').getElementsByTagName('audio');
// Beings playing the first audio file
// Mutes the audio
// Returns the current volume of the resource
var volume = playlist[0].volume;
// Gets the length in seconds of the audio (not always 100% accurate)
var length = playlist[0].duration;
// Gets the current position of the track in seconds
var time = playlist[0].currentTime;
// Sets the current position of the track to 10 seconds
playlist[0].currentTime = 10;
// Pauses the audio at it's current position
// Gets the URL of the audio file
var filename = playlist[0].src;
audio player HTML5 style
Using audio and video in Firefox
HTML 5 Draft - Media elements
HTML5 Audio Soundboard
$("audio").removeAttr("controls").each(function(i, audioElement) {
var audio = $(this);
var that = this;
.click(function() {