Saturday, November 01, 2008


I'm setting up the wii mote on Linux to do my project for CSC 589 here at UVIC. Here's some useful links:

cwiid - a collection of Linux tools written in C for interfacing to the Nintendo Wiimote.
ubuntu wii
Sending simulated mouse events using uinput
wiimote driver
Control X.Org cursor with Wiimote
Tracking Your Fingers with the Wiimote

I personally found the cwiid project to work the best for me. The other big project, libwiimote is cool but doesn't seem to read the IR sensors correctly, and that's what I need.

I'm currently extracting code from wmdemo to have a small little program to send out OSC messages for the data for the IR leds on the wiimote.

Now, with two wiimotes I can track 8 dancers in real time for my SOMba project. It is gonna be sweet.