Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Runtime errors in Flash 9.

I was stumped for quite a while this afternoon about the error:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at Flash5$/mouseMoveListener()

I just turned out that I had redeclared a variable inside the new() constructor, like this:

class Zoomer extends Sprite {

private var box:Sprite;
private var dragleft:Sprite;

public function new() {

var dragleft = new Sprite();

function mainMove (e:MouseEvent):Void {
dragleft.x = e.stageX;


That var shouldn't be in there, it should look like this:

class Zoomer extends Sprite {

private var box:Sprite;
private var dragleft:Sprite;

public function new() {

dragleft = new Sprite();

function mainMove (e:MouseEvent):Void {
dragleft.x = e.stageX;
