Sunday, June 04, 2006

Lots of links, dear me!

Growing Beets
Beets in Wikipedia
Daucus visnaga in Wikipedia - The binomial name for Carrots
Bronze Fennel from Dave's Garden
gmail shortcut keys
First steps in Testing Ruby on Rails
Postgres Gotchas - Things to watch out for when using Postgres.
Queries in Postgres
Rails Wiki Question of the Day
XHTML Media Types
XHTML 1.0/1.1 and HTML 4.01 Doctypes - The intricacies of DOCTYPE in your HTML documents. Very tricky.
New Horizons - A spacecraft that's heading out to Pluto
Continuations and Advanced Flow Control
New things in GNU grep - Very cool, grep rocks, and this will make it rock even harder.
HTML objects - I used this to find a spare field in the IMG tag, and decided to use LONGDESC, which didn't really work with the Prototype Javascript toolkit, so I just now use NAME. Gotta figure out why Prototype wouldn't properly pass LONGDESC, maybe it was too obscure.
Hash Class in Ruby
String Class in Ruby
Array Class in Ruby
A general theory of markup
Misunderstanding Foreign Keys
Passing Parameters - The differences between Parameters and Arguments
Backup your MySQL databases with AutoMySQLBackup - I use Postgres right now, but think MySQL rocks as well. I don't like religous wars, you should use the right tool for the job. Sometimes this is MySQL, sometimes this is Postgres.
People who participated in the recent OpenBSD Hackathon
HTML 4.0 atributes
Easy AJAX with Prototype
More Easy AJAX with Prototype - I'm using Prototype right now, and it is a really sweet way to do Javascript. The thing I like most is that I just have to write the code once, and it works (or almost works) on both Firefox and IE. That is really nice, it can be a long, hard road trying to get your hand coded Javascript working on all browsers.
Maximum Length of URLS - Basically, 2048 bytes with GET, if you want more, use POST.
Narrative Javascript
AJAX with Ruby on Rails - It's really easy and sweet, especially when using Prototype, I'm using a combination of Events and Ajax.Updater with RoR and it's really sweet.