It has been said that the unexamined life is not worth living. Unfortunately we are often too busy to take the time for self-examination. As a result we sometimes don't realize that we have deviated from our real goals and purpose. Here are some questions that, if asked regularly, will help to keep oneself on target.
1. Does my life reflect my values?
2. What do I want my life to be about?
3. Do I either know the direction I want my life to go OR have sufficient faith in a higher power to trust that I do not need to know? (This is different from being a straw in the wind.)
4. Am I putting my time and energy into the areas that are most important to me?
5. What areas of my life am I short-changing?
6. Am I giving too much power to negative influences?
7. Am I unknowingly closing out people I care about?
8. Am I giving enough time to nurturing/replenishing myself?
9. Am I cultivating and making room for the influences I want to come into my life?
10. With all of the above answered, how can I re-allocate my resources, my time and my energy, to reflect my true values and to move me in the direction I am seeking?