Friday, March 27, 2015

Metadata API Developer’s Guide

Metadata API Developer’s Guide:

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<-- gkrellmall -->

<-- gkrellmall -->:

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Enlightenment - Browse /e16 at

Enlightenment - Browse /e16 at

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Enlightenment - Browse /epplets at

Enlightenment - Browse /epplets at

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rxvt-unicode hacking - Page 2

rxvt-unicode hacking - Page 2: "xmodmap can be used to show whether Super (actually Super_R and Super_L) are mapped to the "mod4" used in URxvt.keysym.Mod4-v"

config/Xdefaults at master · shicks/config

config/Xdefaults at master · shicks/config

Emacs.background: Black
Emacs.foreground: White

URxvt.geometry:   203x70
URxvt.saveLines:  8192

! to match gnome-terminal "Linux console" scheme
! foreground/background
URxvt*background: #000000
URxvt*foreground: #ffffff
! black
URxvt.color0  : #000000
URxvt.color8  : #555555
! red
URxvt.color1  : #AA0000
URxvt.color9  : #FF5555
! green
URxvt.color2  : #00AA00
URxvt.color10 : #55FF55
! yellow
URxvt.color3  : #AA5500
URxvt.color11 : #FFFF55
! blue
URxvt.color4  : #0000AA
URxvt.color12 : #5555FF
! magenta
URxvt.color5  : #AA00AA
URxvt.color13 : #FF55FF
! cyan
URxvt.color6  : #00AAAA
URxvt.color14 : #55FFFF
! white
URxvt.color7  : #AAAAAA
URxvt.color15 : #FFFFFF"

URxvt Customization and Optimization with Xresources

URxvt Customization and Optimization with Xresources

function aa_256 () 
    local o= i= x=`tput op` cols=`tput cols` y= oo= yy=;
    y=`printf %$(($cols-6))s`;
    yy=${y// /=};
    for i in {0..256};
        oo=`echo -en "setaf ${i}\nsetab ${i}\n"|tput -S`;
        echo -e "${o:${#o}-3:3} ${oo}${yy}${x}";

Linux Console Color (the "\033[" way) - C++ Forum

Linux Console Color (the "\033[" way) - C++ Forum
\033[0m - is the default color for the console
\033[0;#m - is the color of the text, where # is one of the codes mentioned above
\033[1m - makes text bold
\033[1;#m - makes colored text bold**
\033[2;#m - colors text according to # but a bit darker
\033[4;#m - colors text in # and underlines
\033[7;#m - colors the background according to #
\033[9;#m - colors text and strikes it
\033[A - moves cursor one line above (carfull: it does not erase the previously written line)
\033[B - moves cursor one line under
\033[C - moves cursor one spacing to the right
\033[D - moves cursor one spacing to the left"


Colours: "As mentioned before, non-printing escape sequences have to be enclosed in \[\033[ and \]. For colour escape sequences, they should also be followed by a lowercase m.


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Sunday, March 22, 2015

java - Maven and dependent modules - Stack Overflow

java - Maven and dependent modules - Stack Overflow:

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mikkoz/java8-quickstart-archetype: "A bloody simple Java 8 archetype. Has the following features:"

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Standard Libraries

Standard Libraries: "Standard libraries. Below is a table of the input and output libraries that we use throughout the textbook and beyond."

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Saturday, March 21, 2015

Urxvt - awesome

Urxvt - awesome: "In order to get the most out of urxvt, you will want to modify its X resources. You can configure them in your .Xdefaults file. "

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[SOLVED] rxvt-unicode: disable iso 14755 / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums

[SOLVED] rxvt-unicode: disable iso 14755 / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums: "either compile with --disable-iso14755 or try URxvt* iso14755: False  and URxvt* iso14755_52: False"

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mikkoz/java8-quickstart-archetype: "A bloody simple Java 8 archetype. Has the following features:"

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Thursday, March 19, 2015

[SOLVED] Chromium Shockwave Flash Crash After Update

[SOLVED] Chromium Shockwave Flash Crash After Update: "After running an upgrade Chromium browser Shockwave Flash Plugin crashed!

If you have the same problem I have a workaround.

firstly open Firefox goto a website that uses flash (not YouTube) I used BBC iPlayer, then right click and click on "settings..."
The left most tab shows the "Enable hardware acceleration" tickbox
Untick it
Then close and reopen Chromium and go back to a flash site e.g. YouTube and test it is working.

The reason this worked for me is that there is a bug in either Googles Chromium or the Unix/X11 build of Shockwave Flash or my graphics card drivers

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java - gettting JRE system library unbound error in build path - Stack Overflow

java - gettting JRE system library unbound error in build path - Stack Overflow: "Another option is:

Project > Properties > Java Build Path
Select Libraries tab
Select the troublesome JRE entry
Click Edit button
Choose an alternate JRE
Click Finish button
Pointing the project at your installed JRE might be a better choice than renaming your JRE to match the old project code."

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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Example of how to use both JDK 7 and JDK 8 in one build.

Example of how to use both JDK 7 and JDK 8 in one build.:







Saturday, March 14, 2015

pm-utils - ArchWiki

pm-utils - ArchWiki: "Add the following lines, replacing username with your own user name, then save and exit visudo:
username ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/pm-hibernate
username ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/pm-suspend"

linux - How to use command line to change volume? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange

linux - How to use command line to change volume? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange: "amixer set Master 10%+"

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keyboard - Rebind Alt key to win using setxkbmap? - Ask Ubuntu

keyboard - Rebind Alt key to win using setxkbmap? - Ask Ubuntu: "setxkbmap -option altwin:swap_lalt_lwin"

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13.10 - Permanently set keyboard layout options with setxkbmap in gnome/unity - Ask Ubuntu

13.10 - Permanently set keyboard layout options with setxkbmap in gnome/unity - Ask Ubuntu: "to prevent gnome resetting keyboard setting in X i use this command:

gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.keyboard active false"

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How can I suspend/hibernate from command line? - Ask Ubuntu

How can I suspend/hibernate from command line? - Ask Ubuntu: "I have also found the commands sudo pm-suspend and sudo pm-hibernate to work on my netbook."

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