Sunday, June 30, 2013

The NewsBlur API

The NewsBlur API: "GET /reader/feeds

Retrieve a list of feeds to which a user is actively subscribed.
Includes the 3 unread counts (positive, neutral, negative), as well as optional favicons."

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Saturday, June 29, 2013

How to replace the dock connector in an iPhone 4S |

How to replace the dock connector in an iPhone 4S | "If your iPhone 4S doesn't want to register a charger is plugged in, the dock connector may be defective or damaged. This can commonly occur from using third party charges that are poor quality or just from old age."

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Friday, June 28, 2013

Why it’s hard to be a highly sensitive (HSP) introvert -  Dr. Susan Biali

Why it’s hard to be a highly sensitive (HSP) introvert -  Dr. Susan Biali: "Let’s go out for a lovely dinner instead - introverts prefer meaningful one on one conversations to large group experiences, and HSPs yearn to connect deeply, discussing rich complex topics."

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Are You More Introverted or Extroverted?

Are You More Introverted or Extroverted?: "More importantly what do you do to coexist with people who are different? If you're an introvert (like me), you might recharge best by spending several hours alone. That might cause friction, though, if you have extroverted friends or significant others who prefer to go out or socialize frequently."

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Jef Claes: Not handling edge cases, making them explicit instead

Jef Claes: Not handling edge cases, making them explicit instead: "There is this misconception that because we now have computers, they should solve all our problems, even all the edge cases. Edge cases - by definition - only happen at extreme conditions, and are regularly hard to take care of in a satisfactory manner, without a considerable investment. By making edge cases explicit, we allow a human to intervene, and decide on the best solution for the problem."

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Coding Confessional

Coding Confessional: "I am the only programmer in the office so I tail -f logs so my screen "looks like the matrix" while I surf reddit. "

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Sunday, June 23, 2013


animal BIOACOUSTICS: "Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Animal Behaviour
Marine Mammal Science
Canadian Journal of Zoology
Canadian Acoustics
Ethology, Ecology, & Evolution
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Journal of Cetacean Research and Management

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animal BIOACOUSTICS: "animal BIOACOUSTICS is the study of sound in non-human animals. It includes acoustic communication, sound production mechanisms, auditory anatomy and function, sonar, acoustic tracking, and the effects of human-made and environmental noise on animals. Each discipline within the scope of bioacoustics has opened up exciting new areas of inquiry."

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Northern Resident Killer Whale Hydrophone Recording - June 15, 2013 - YouTube

Northern Resident Killer Whale Hydrophone Recording - June 15, 2013 - YouTube: ""

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Saturday, June 22, 2013

NIMBioS Investigative Workshop: Analyzing animal vocal sequences

NIMBioS Investigative Workshop: Analyzing animal vocal sequences: "NIMBioS Investigative Workshop
Analyzing Animal Vocal Sequences
Topic: Multidisciplinary approaches to analyzing animal vocal communication sequences


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ROCR: Classifier Visualization in R

ROCR: Classifier Visualization in R: "Using ROCR's 3 commands to produce a simple ROC plot:
pred <- prediction(predictions, labels)
perf <- performance(pred, measure = "tpr", x.measure = "fpr")
plot(perf, col=rainbow(10))"

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Samuel Clay

Samuel Clay:

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Backbonification: migrating a large JavaScript project from DOM spaghetti to Backbone.js |

Backbonification: migrating a large JavaScript project from DOM spaghetti to Backbone.js | "On the left there is a list of feeds inside a list of folders. These folders and feeds can be embedded inside each other, creating a recursive structure that can be easily assembled by Backbone.js. Each feed view also contains an unread count, a feed title, a favicon, and a feed menu. All of these views are generated by their respective parents. Your job at this stage is to simply figure out what those views are so you can create the appropriate models, views, and controllers (routers)."

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Interaction Design - YouTube

Interaction Design - YouTube: ""

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Want to be able to downgrade your apps? Save ‘em before updating.

Want to be able to downgrade your apps? Save ‘em before updating.: "If you change your mind and want to go back to how it was before, drag that backup you made back into iTunes, and tell iTunes to replace the current version. Sync your device, and if you backed up your Documents/Library folder, drag your backup back into the original app folder within iExplorer.


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Friday, June 14, 2013

Naive Bayes classifier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Naive Bayes classifier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "In simple terms, a naive Bayes classifier assumes that the presence or absence of a particular feature is unrelated to the presence or absence of any other feature, given the class variable. For example, a fruit may be considered to be an apple if it is red, round, and about 3" in diameter. A naive Bayes classifier considers each of these features to contribute independently to the probability that this fruit is an apple, regardless of the presence or absence of the other features."

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Geoff Hinton - Recent Developments in Deep Learning - YouTube

Geoff Hinton - Recent Developments in Deep Learning - YouTube: ""

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Denoising Autoencoders (dA) — DeepLearning 0.1 documentation

Denoising Autoencoders (dA) — DeepLearning 0.1 documentation: "See section 4.6 of [Bengio09] for an overview of auto-encoders. An autoencoder takes an input and first maps it (with an encoder) to a hidden representation through a deterministic mapping, e.g.:"

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funny-white-unicorn-horn.jpg (450×368)

funny-white-unicorn-horn.jpg (450×368):

Thursday, June 13, 2013

bextract - Google Search

bextract - Google Search: "If you find yourself using bextract, you probably have done something wrong"

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How to Get Startup Ideas

How to Get Startup Ideas: "When a startup launches, there have to be at least some users who really need what they're making—not just people who could see themselves using it one day, but who want it urgently."

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How to Get Startup Ideas

How to Get Startup Ideas: "Why do so many founders build things no one wants? Because they begin by trying to think of startup ideas. That m.o. is doubly dangerous: it doesn't merely yield few good ideas; it yields bad ideas that sound plausible enough to fool you into working on them."

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Structural similarity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Structural similarity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "The structural similarity (SSIM) index is a method for measuring the similarity between two images. The SSIM index is a full reference metric; in other words, the measuring of image quality based on an initial uncompressed or distortion-free image as reference. SSIM is designed to improve on traditional methods like peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and mean squared error (MSE), which have proven to be inconsistent with human eye perception."

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Approximating Images With Random Lines - SickSad

Approximating Images With Random Lines - SickSad: "The algorithm works by randomly placing 40 black lines on 40 copies of a blank source image, each of those 40 is then compared to the goal image using SSIM to measure similarity. If any of the 40 are more similar than the source image that image is used as the source for the next iteration of the algorithm. If none of the 40 are more similar then the algorithm repeats with the original source image until a closer similarity is found."

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Content-based image classification in Python

Content-based image classification in Python: "Since the goal of this exercise is to be able to classify new images without requiring visual inspection by a human, we're going to need to train a predictive model that can tag images automatically."

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Effectively managing memory at Gmail scale - HTML5 Rocks

Effectively managing memory at Gmail scale - HTML5 Rocks: "The young generation heap in V8 is split into two spaces, named from and to. Memory is allocated from the to space. Allocating is very fast, until, the to space is full at which point a young generation collection is triggered. Young generation collection first swaps the from and to space, the old to space (now the from space) is scanned and all live values are copied into the to space or tenured into the old generation. A typical young generation collection will take on the order of 10 milliseconds (ms)."

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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Audacity Forum • View topic - Determining decibel level of sound clip

Audacity Forum • View topic - Determining decibel level of sound clip: "In digital audio, 0dB is usually considered to be the maximum valid signal level (though in certain special circumstances it is possible to exceed 0 dB).
All other signals are less than 0 dB and are measured as negative values - for example;"

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Live hot-code reloading with Chromium browser on Linux | Opensas blog

Live hot-code reloading with Chromium browser on Linux | Opensas blog: "In short, it’s a little plugin that gives you bi-directional editing of js scripts and css files. That means you can modify your source files from Sublime (or whatever else you use) and they will be automatically updated on DevTools, and likewise you can just edit your source files on the DevTools source panel and the changes will be saved to the file system."

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The Code You Don't Write - Improbable Truths

The Code You Don't Write - Improbable Truths: "A clever hack used to be improving an algorithm, and now it's avoiding writing an algorithm. The clever achievements I'm most satisfied by now are improvements to processes or documentation that make things better without having to open vim. "

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Monday, June 10, 2013

JavaScript grid editor: I want to be Excel | Eltit Golb

JavaScript grid editor: I want to be Excel | Eltit Golb: "How many times did you hear users asking you: “something simple, a grid like excel”?

When I was a VB programmer, oh yes, I have this dark spot on my career, and it is not the only one… this request threw me in panic. Usually what your “killer” is asking you is not what you, programmer, are thinking of (namely the power of cell functions, programmability, graph etc., that probably your “killer” does not even imagine): what they are thinking about is the editor flexibility, the ability to add columns, rows, move cells blocks, copy and paste from different sources."

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JavaScript grid editor: I want to be Excel | Eltit Golb

JavaScript grid editor: I want to be Excel | Eltit Golb: "light edit: here the focus is given to the “editing agility”, every row is always in editing status,  search and sort are rarely available and in any case working on a limited set of rows isn’t a real limitation. Data is filled starting from a JS object, calling methods, or from an html table.  Some of these implementation supply callback methods that can be used to interact server side."

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Wednesday, June 05, 2013

just deserts - Wiktionary

just deserts - Wiktionary: "Deserts here is the plural of desert, meaning "that which one deserves". "Desert" is now archaic and rarely used outside this phrase.
The spelling just desserts is non-standard. It is sometimes used as a pun in, for example, restaurant names."

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Tuesday, June 04, 2013

DTAG: A Digital Acoustic Recording Tag : Marine Mammal Behavior Laboratory

DTAG: A Digital Acoustic Recording Tag : Marine Mammal Behavior Laboratory: "Definitive studies on the response of marine mammals to anthropogenic sound are hampered by the short surface time and deep-diving lifestyle of many species. A novel archival tag, called the DTAG, has been developed to monitor the behavior of marine mammals, and their response to sound, continuously throughout the dive cycle. The tag contains a large array of solid-state memory and records continuously from a built-in hydrophone and suite of sensors. The sensors sample the orientation of the animal in three dimensions with sufficient speed and resolution to capture individual fluke strokes. Audio and sensor recording is synchronous so the relative timing of sounds and motion can be determined precisely (Johnson & Tyack 2003)."

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Signal Team

Signal Team: "Publications
[1] Mathematical introduction of scattering operators for translation and rotation invariant representations (April 2012)(78 pages):
"Group Invariant Scattering" S. Mallat, to appear in Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics.
[2] "Classification with Scattering Operators", J. Bruna and S. Mallat. Proceedings of the IEEE CVPR 2011 conference.
[3] Scattering transform applied to audio signals and musical classification (6 pages) :
"Multiscale Scattering for Audio Classification" J. Andén and S. Mallat. Proceedings of the ISMIR 2011 conference, Miami, USA, Oct. 24-28. For Matlab code and reconstruction examples, see the audio section."

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The Buffett Formula — How To Get Smarter

The Buffett Formula — How To Get Smarter: "Warren Buffett says, “I just sit in my office and read all day.” What does that mean? He estimates that he spends 80% of his working day reading and thinking.

“You could hardly find a partnership in which two people settle on reading more hours of the day than in ours,” Charlie Munger commented.

When asked how to get smarter, Buffett once held up stacks of paper and said “read 500 pages like this every day. That’s how knowledge builds up, like compound interest.”


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"Welcome to Bayesian Methods for Hackers. The full Github repository, and additional chapters, is available at github/Probabilistic-Programming-and-Bayesian-Methods-for-Hackers. We hope you enjoy the book, and we encourage any contributions!"

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Sunday, June 02, 2013

Flux:: sound and picture development

Flux:: sound and picture development: "Why found a new company in this already over-crowded domain?
We, Flux:: people, believe there is always room for excellence. Our design is focused on the human element. The senses are bridges between reality and consciousness, between the real world and the imaginary one. We have created the best for ears and eyes to free your creativity."

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FLUX:: Pure Analyzer System review - YouTube

FLUX:: Pure Analyzer System review - YouTube: ""

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