Monday, February 28, 2011

Wikitude » Wikitude Drive: Never take your eyes off the road again

Wikitude » Wikitude Drive: Never take your eyes off the road again

Wikitude » Wikitude Drive: Never take your eyes off the road again

Wikitude » Wikitude Drive: Never take your eyes off the road again

YouTube - Lady Gaga - Born This Way

YouTube - Lady Gaga - Born This Way: ""

Porting legacy databases to Google App Engine : Thomas Brox Røst

Porting legacy databases to Google App Engine : Thomas Brox Røst: "This is a highly relevant problem if you are porting an existing Django application to the Google App Engine. Luckily, the App Engine SDK includes a bulk data uploader tool that does the job. Let’s work through an example where we use this tool to transfer data from an existing MySQL database onto a Django application running on Google App Engine."

Django Templates - Changing context for an 'include' template - Stack Overflow

Django Templates - Changing context for an 'include' template - Stack Overflow: "{% with table_header1 as table_header %}
{% with table_data1 as table_data %}
    {% include 'default_table.html' %}
{% endwith %}
{% endwith %}"

Django snippets: "Partial Templates" - an alternative to "include"

Django snippets: "Partial Templates" - an alternative to "include": "This snippet adds simple partial support to your templates. You can pass data to the partial, and use it as you would in a regular template. It is different from Django's {% include %}, because it allows you to pass a custom variable (context), instead of reusing the same context for the included template. This decouples the templates from each other and allows for their greater reuse."

Ways to include CSS in your page

Ways to include CSS in your page: ""

Selectutorial: CSS Comments

Selectutorial: CSS Comments

CSS Tutorial - Display

CSS Tutorial - Display: "a { display: block; }"

AVR Freaks :: View topic - Converting code to be Arduino (ATMEGA328 IC) compatible

AVR Freaks :: View topic - Converting code to be Arduino (ATMEGA328 IC) compatible: "baby-talk programming for pothead"

Arduino: "baby-talk programming for pothead"

love it!

Make: Online » Why the Arduino Won and Why It’s Here to Stay

Make: Online » Why the Arduino Won and Why It’s Here to Stay

CSS3 Buttons | Simple CSS3 framework for creating GitHub style button links

CSS3 Buttons | Simple CSS3 framework for creating GitHub style button links


RStudio: "RStudio™ is a new integrated development environment (IDE) for R. RStudio combines an intuitive user interface with powerful coding tools to help you get the most out of R."

Downloads — Kepler

Downloads — Kepler

Channel API in AppScale - Raj's Blog (nlake44)

Channel API in AppScale - Raj's Blog (nlake44): "Google's newest API is the Channel API which allows for the pushing of messages to a client's javascript code. This blog entry explains AppScale's scalable implementation which is built using ejabberd and strophejs. 
There are two sets of APIs for the developer. First is the python API which consists of create_channel(app_client_id) and send_message(app_client_id, message). The create channel API under the covers uses the xmpp service implementation of AppScale. We are able to leverage ejabberd to take care of the distribution and sending of messages for us. The trick here lies in that we must create temporary accounts with each new channel created. This requires garbage collection of channels which live on longer than a prescribe period of time. "

The sneakernet in git « | All code has costs. Only some code has value.

The sneakernet in git « | All code has costs. Only some code has value.: "git bundle create blog-dump.bundle master

This creates a file blog-dump.bundle with the full history for master, including all parent commits. You now have a single file, which can effectively be mailed, downloaded via SCP or FTP, or simply moved to Dropbox (affiliate link) for safe keeping, or otherwise shared with others. Single files are easy to archive and backup."

The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine - Stanford InfoLab Publication Server

The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine - Stanford InfoLab Publication Server: "In this paper, we present Google, a prototype of a large-scale search engine which makes heavy use of the structure present in hypertext. Google is designed to crawl and index the Web efficiently and produce much more satisfying search results than existing systems. The prototype with a full text and hyperlink database of at least 24 million pages is available at"

How to market your mobile applications

How to market your mobile applications

Naked Password - jQuery Plugin to Encourage Stronger Passwords

Naked Password - jQuery Plugin to Encourage Stronger Passwords: "The whole idea of naked password is to encourage your users to enter stronger passwords.
Our beautiful model Sally tastefully removes items of clothing as the password grows stronger."

Working at Microsoft – Day to Day Coding « Foredecker

Working at Microsoft – Day to Day Coding « Foredecker

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Django | Model instance reference | Django documentation

Django | Model instance reference | Django documentation: "Regardless of whether you define a primary key field yourself, or let Django supply one for you, each model will have a property called pk. It behaves like a normal attribute on the model, but is actually an alias for whichever attribute is the primary key field for the model. You can read and set this value, just as you would for any other attribute, and it will update the correct field in the model."

YouTube - Daft Punk - Derezzed: Tron Legacy Music Video

YouTube - Daft Punk - Derezzed: Tron Legacy Music Video: ""

YouTube - Daft Punk - Human After All

YouTube - Daft Punk - Human After All: ""

YouTube - Daft Punk - Something About Us (not interstella video)

YouTube - Daft Punk - Something About Us (not interstella video): ""

The Python Development Server - Google App Engine - Google Code

The Python Development Server - Google App Engine - Google Code: "--clear_datastore
Clears the datastore data and history files before starting the web server."

GIT: Using the stash

GIT: Using the stash: "So, what do you do? Throw away your current changes to make the patch? Checkout a clean copy of your project to make the changes? No! You just stash your changes away, and make the patch! Afterward you grab your changes back and continue work.

Git features The Stash, which is as much as a good place to store uncommitted changes. When you stash you changes, the will be stored, and your working copy will be reverted to HEAD (the last commit revision) of your code."

my take on things: Git Stash

my take on things: Git Stash - googleappengine - Project Hosting on Google Code - googleappengine - Project Hosting on Google Code

Rick Searle's blog | EKOS Communications, Inc.

Rick Searle's blog | EKOS Communications, Inc.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Explaining IdeaWave, and resolving the TEDx confusion

Explaining IdeaWave, and resolving the TEDx confusion: "As the high financial cost was one of the major reasons that I created IdeaWave, if I was going to make an ideas conference it would be approachable to the masses. IdeaWave is $50 to attend this year. Instead of monetizing off of the attendees, I would monetize off organizational sponsors — organizations that want to support idea generation and innovation. The mission statement for IdeaWave is to engage critical thinkers in the community, with the goal of fostering innovation."

2011 Conference |

2011 Conference |

Victoria hotel near Victoria Inner Harbour, Butchard Gardens, Butterfly Gardens, Royal British Columbia Museum - Comfort Hotel & Conference Centre

Victoria hotel near Victoria Inner Harbour, Butchard Gardens, Butterfly Gardens, Royal British Columbia Museum - Comfort Hotel & Conference Centre: "3020 Blanshard Street, Victoria,"
Million Song Dataset | scaling MIR research
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

C8-14C24DC-AP Electroswitch Solenoids

C8-14C24DC-AP Electroswitch Solenoids

Django Projects — Django Best Practices

Django Projects — Django Best Practices

Script Junkie | Planning, Cheating and Faking Your Way Through Tests

Script Junkie | Planning, Cheating and Faking Your Way Through Tests

Building Large-Scale jQuery Applications

Building Large-Scale jQuery Applications

Blog: What is new in v1.1.5: ExtJS4, YUI3, and Closure Library, and awesome inspecting

Blog: What is new in v1.1.5: ExtJS4, YUI3, and Closure Library, and awesome inspecting



Technolog - Google declares war on lousy websites

Technolog - Google declares war on lousy websites

Register |

ideawave 2011

I'll be talking at ideawave tomorrow here in Victoria. Come check it out!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

paulreimer/empty-app - GitHub

paulreimer/empty-app - GitHub

PowerShot SX30 IS - Canon Canada Inc.

PowerShot SX30 IS - Canon Canada Inc.: "PowerShot SX30 IS"

webob.dec – WSGIfy decorator — WebOb v1.0.3 documentation

webob.dec – WSGIfy decorator — WebOb v1.0.3 documentation

Welcome | Jinja2 (The Python Template Engine)

Welcome | Jinja2 (The Python Template Engine)

selector - WSGI Delegation

selector - WSGI Delegation

Font Preview - Google Font Directory

Font Preview - Google Font Directory: "

omg, google f***ing rocks.

Django Projects — Django Best Practices

Django Projects — Django Best Practices

Full Size Background Image jQuery Plugin: Redux |

Full Size Background Image jQuery Plugin: Redux | "I just made a few changed to this plugin because it was acting a little weird. Tested it in Safari, Chrome and Firefox and it work perfectly now. All you need is an image that you want to have displayed as your background. Once you have that and use the plugin, the image will resize to the full width/height of the browser window. Every time the browser window resizes, so will the background image."

css - jquery slider to change body background - Stack Overflow

css - jquery slider to change body background - Stack Overflow

Ovalpixels Blog about Web-Building » Blog Archive » Making fancy websites without Flash 2: Animating background image

Ovalpixels Blog about Web-Building » Blog Archive » Making fancy websites without Flash 2: Animating background image: "z-index: -2;"

Django | Built-in template tags and filters | Django documentation

Django | Built-in template tags and filters | Django documentation: "{% include 'foo/bar.html' %}"

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cooking with Stella

Cooking with Stella

YouTube - Google I/O 2008 - App Engine Datastore Under the Covers

YouTube - Google I/O 2008 - App Engine Datastore Under the Covers: ""

MERCURY – Listening to whales and connecting students |

MERCURY – Listening to whales and connecting students |: "The MERCURY project is a new research initiative that is building a network of hydrophones to listen to the sounds of whales, dolphins and other marine mammals in British Columbia.  The network we are building will have small, inexpensive and easily deployable hydrophones and will have data centers located in schools both in urban areas but also in remote regions, and will be both an educational as well as a scientific endeavour, teaching students about whales and computers.  It builds on the legacy of the decades of work done by Dr. Paul Spong and Helena Symonds, the founders of OrcaLab, a research station on Hanson Island, a small island near the northern tip of Vancouver Island.  The researchers in MERCURY have previously developed The Orchive (, a website that makes available to the public a huge archive of over 20,000 hours of orca vocalizations.  The MERCURY researchers are also involved with the VENUS and NEPTUNE projects, a networked installation of ocean observatories.  Unlike these massive projects, MERCURY aims to leverage the latest advances in wireless and hydrophone technology to quickly deploy a large network of small and inexpensive remote sensing stations in a bottom-up approach."

Thursday, February 17, 2011

CHI 2011

CHI 2011

Child Computer Interaction 2nd workshop on UI Technologies and their impact on Educational Pedagogy

Child Computer Interaction 2nd workshop on UI Technologies and their impact on Educational Pedagogy

CHI 2011

CHI 2011

YouTube - Singing Fingers - Finger Paint with Sound

YouTube - Singing Fingers - Finger Paint with Sound: ""

Using the Google App Engine Helper for Django - Google App Engine - Google Code

Using the Google App Engine Helper for Django - Google App Engine - Google Code - articles - Django 1.2 on Google App Engine - articles - Django 1.2 on Google App Engine

deploy to appengine get error - Django non-relational | Google Groups

deploy to appengine get error - Django non-relational | Google Groups: "ln -s ../../django-nonrel/django"

Using Django 1.0 on App Engine with Zipimport - Google App Engine - Google Code

Using Django 1.0 on App Engine with Zipimport - Google App Engine - Google Code

quotas - Is it correct that you are allowed 3,000 files per App Engine app (not 1,000)? - Stack Overflow

quotas - Is it correct that you are allowed 3,000 files per App Engine app (not 1,000)? - Stack Overflow - articles - Django 1.2 on Google App Engine - articles - Django 1.2 on Google App Engine: "# we create a directory to work with
mkdir django-on-appengine
cd django-on-appengine

# grab and extract the current django release tarball
curl -L -o Django-1.2.1.tar.gz
tar xzvf Django-1.2.1.tar.gz

# zip the current django source
cd Django-1.2.1
zip -r ../ django/
cd ..

# remove everything except
rm -rf Django-1.2*" - articles - Django 1.2 on Google App Engine - articles - Django 1.2 on Google App Engine

deploy to appengine get error - Django non-relational | Google Groups

deploy to appengine get error - Django non-relational | Google Groups

Flying with Django on Google App Engine | Francisco Souza

Flying with Django on Google App Engine | Francisco Souza

Radio Free Meredith - Programming languages and their relationship styles

Radio Free Meredith - Programming languages and their relationship styles

Virtualenv and pip Basics | Jontourage

Virtualenv and pip Basics | Jontourage

Computational science: ...Error : Nature News

Computational science: ...Error : Nature News

Demo: CSS drop-shadows without images – Nicolas Gallagher

Demo: CSS drop-shadows without images – Nicolas Gallagher

Eli Bendersky’s website » Blog Archive » The many faces of operator new in C++

Eli Bendersky’s website » Blog Archive » The many faces of operator new in C++

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Xylophone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Xylophone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Marimba - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Marimba - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Diatonic scale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Diatonic scale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Heptatonic scale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Heptatonic scale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Balafon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Balafon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Music - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Music - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Music is an art form whose medium is sound. Common elements of music are pitch (which governs melody and harmony), rhythm (and its associated concepts tempo, meter, and articulation), dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture. The word derives from Greek μουσική (mousike), '(art) of the Muses.'[1]"

Music Frequencies: Musical Instrument Frequency Spectrograms- Stonebridge Mastering – The Studio Blog

Music Frequencies: Musical Instrument Frequency Spectrograms- Stonebridge Mastering – The Studio Blog

What is the science behind how and why the xylophone works.? - Yahoo! Answers

What is the science behind how and why the xylophone works.? - Yahoo! Answers: "The shape and suspension of the sounding bars are important, as are the dimensions of the resonators, if used. The bars are on soft supports about 1/4 to 1/5 of the way from each end. These locations are the nodes (points where no translational motion occurs) of the fundamental vibration mode of the bar. Professional xylophones use undercut bars which tailor the higher harmonics to a pleasing relationship with the fundamental. The first harmonic is an octave plus a fifth above (3 times the frequency of) the fundamental. The resonator is typically a closed tube with the closed (bottom) end located 1/4 wavelength below the sounding bar. (See ref.)"

Basic physics of xylophone and marimba bars | Browse - American Journal of Physics

Basic physics of xylophone and marimba bars | Browse - American Journal of Physics: "The frequency-dependent wave velocity and nonsinusoidal spatial dependence found for transverse waves in finite vibrating bars stands in stark contrast to the solutions to the one-dimensional wave equation, for example for the idealized vibrating string. The difference is particularly important when the resulting vibrations are used to produce music. Here, the appropriate approximate equations for transverse vibrations on a uniform bar are developed and compared to measurements using wooden bars. The results are extended using a simple finite element model to provide a means to predict normal mode behavior in nonuniform wooden bars such as those used for xylophones, marimbas, and related musical instruments. © 2001 American Association of Physics Teachers."

Xylophone (Oscillations and Waves) UCSC Physics Demos

Xylophone (Oscillations and Waves) UCSC Physics Demos

NASA ADS: Basic physics of xylophone and marimba bars

NASA ADS: Basic physics of xylophone and marimba bars

What are the frequencies of musical notes like G in k-hertz?

What are the frequencies of musical notes like G in k-hertz?

Getting to Grips with Latex - Mathematics - Latex Tutorials by Andrew Roberts

Getting to Grips with Latex - Mathematics - Latex Tutorials by Andrew Roberts: "Roots

Typically, for the majority of times, you are after the square root, which is done easily using the following command: \sqrt{x}. However, this can be generalised to produce a root of any magnitude:

Howto:convert aac/mp4 to wav/mp3/ogg on Linux - Linux Multimedia Wiki

Howto:convert aac/mp4 to wav/mp3/ogg on Linux - Linux Multimedia Wiki: "mplayer -ao pcm inputfile.m4a -ao pcm:file='outfile.wav'"

Mux Shield | Mayhew Labs

Mux Shield | Mayhew Labs

Two tips for localStorage - Horia Dragomir

Two tips for localStorage - Horia Dragomir

CHI 2011

CHI 2011

Call for PAPERs

Call for PAPERs: "Topic: Given the emergence of Child Computer Interaction and the ubiquitous application of interactive technology as an educational tool, there is a need to explore how next generation HCI will impact education in the future. Educators are depending on the interaction communities and to deliver technologies that will improve and adapt learning to an ever- changing world. In addition to novel UI concepts, the HCI community needs to examine how these concepts can be matched to contemporary paradigms in educational pedagogy. The classroom is a challenging environment for evaluation, thus new techniques need to be established to prove the value of new HCI interactions in the educational space. This workshop provides a forum to discuss key HCI issues facing next generation education."

How to Password Protect a Directory on Your Website (

How to Password Protect a Directory on Your Website ( "htpasswd -c .htpasswd your-user-name"

YouTube - Developing and deploying an application on Google App Engine

YouTube - Developing and deploying an application on Google App Engine: ""

Monday, February 14, 2011

Tellart [stream]

Tellart [stream]: "In celebration of Valentine’s Day, Tellart is launching the Love Song Machine, a musical instrument controlled (by you) through the internet. Visitors to the website can select a song or compose their own, and press play to send the song to the instrument in our Providence office.

The bells are played by a series of solenoids, which are controlled by an Arduino micro-controller. The notes that you submit are processed on our web servers and then sent to the Arduino, while we load up live video and audio so that you can watch your song play. If there are users ahead of you in line, the queuing system will let you know how long you’ve got before you can watch your song."

Tellart [stream]

Tellart [stream]

Love Song Machine from Tellart on Vimeo.

LIKE performance tuning/indexing in SQL | Oracle MySQL PostgreSQL

LIKE performance tuning/indexing in SQL | Oracle MySQL PostgreSQL

Monday, February 07, 2011

191172-001: LEDEX: Electromechanical

191172-001: LEDEX: Electromechanical

Drum Solenoid Interface for Tactile Metronome | Wayne and Layne

Drum Solenoid Interface for Tactile Metronome | Wayne and Layne

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus Side-by-Side-by-Side Edition

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus Side-by-Side-by-Side Edition

Tamsyn Programming Font

Tamsyn Programming Font

DryDrop updates App Engine site after pushing to GitHub

DryDrop updates App Engine site after pushing to GitHub: "DryDrop is a tool that lets you host your static site on Google App Engine and update it by pushing to GitHub. Thanks to GitHub post-receive hooks your App Engine site can be updated automatically when you push new content.
DRY principle (set it and forget it)
Zero cost (thanks to Google App Engine)
Zero maintenance (thanks to GitHub)
No Python knowledge needed, but you need to know the basics of Git"

Little Big Details

Little Big Details

Download Plans to Make or Build a Xylophone

Download Plans to Make or Build a Xylophone

Plans to Make or Build a Two octave Mini Marimba - Making Marimbas Blueprints

Plans to Make or Build a Two octave Mini Marimba - Making Marimbas Blueprints

YouTube - Vibraphone Madnessssss

YouTube - Vibraphone Madnessssss: ""

YouTube - Build your Own Marimba

YouTube - Build your Own Marimba: ""

YouTube - Playing the World's Largest Wind Chime

YouTube - Playing the World's Largest Wind Chime: ""

YouTube - Playing the World's Largest Wind Chime

YouTube - Playing the World's Largest Wind Chime

YouTube - How to Make Wind Chimes : Wind Chimes: Cutting Pipes

YouTube - How to Make Wind Chimes : Wind Chimes: Cutting Pipes: ""

YouTube - outdoor musical instrument bass chime_web.flv

YouTube - outdoor musical instrument bass chime_web.flv: ""

YouTube - outdoor musical instrument akadinda amadinda xylophone.flv

YouTube - outdoor musical instrument akadinda amadinda xylophone.flv: ""

YouTube - How to Make a Driftwood Xylophone

YouTube - How to Make a Driftwood Xylophone: ""

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

PeteSearch: A fundamental bug in HTML5's Canvas?

PeteSearch: A fundamental bug in HTML5's Canvas?

TxOSC : OSC for Twisted in Python |

TxOSC : OSC for Twisted in Python |

Data types — NumPy v1.5 Manual (DRAFT)

Data types — NumPy v1.5 Manual (DRAFT)

Array creation — NumPy Manual (DRAFT)

Array creation — NumPy Manual (DRAFT): "np.array("

Moving average - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Moving average - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. Lexical analysis — Python v2.7.1 documentation

2. Lexical analysis — Python v2.7.1 documentation

42nd AES Conference: Call for Papers

42nd AES Conference: Call for Papers

16.6. multiprocessing — Process-based “threading” interface — Python v2.7.1 documentation

16.6. multiprocessing — Process-based “threading” interface — Python v2.7.1 documentation

textmate tex - Google Search

textmate tex - Google Search

The PracTeX Journal - TeX Users Group

The PracTeX Journal - TeX Users Group

YouTube - Tiësto feat. Tegan And Sara - Feel It In My Bones (On Ultra Dance 11 out now)

YouTube - Tiësto feat. Tegan And Sara - Feel It In My Bones (On Ultra Dance 11 out now): ""

YouTube - Tiësto feat. CC Sheffield 'Escape Me'

YouTube - Tiësto feat. CC Sheffield 'Escape Me': ""

APOD: 2011 February 2 - Moon and Venus over Switzerland

APOD: 2011 February 2 - Moon and Venus over Switzerland

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.6