Friday, January 28, 2011

REQ: Emoticon for metal "devil" fingers

REQ: Emoticon for metal "devil" fingers: "\m/ has worked well for me"

Ajay Kapur - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ajay Kapur - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Kathryn+ACS+poster+2010.jpg (1600×1200)

Kathryn+ACS+poster+2010.jpg (1600×1200)

Turns out that music really is intoxicating, after all

Turns out that music really is intoxicating, after all: "To learn more about the music/brain/stimulation process, the McGill researchers followed subjects through the 'chills' or 'musical frisson' response moment. You may have thought that chills were just a subjective concept, but that isn't the case. They involve a 'clear and discrete pattern of autonomic nervous system (ANS) arousal,' the experimenters say, which facilitate 'objective verification through psychophysiological measurements.'"

Submission | NIME 2011

Submission | NIME 2011



The Genius of Turing | John Graham-Cumming

The Genius of Turing | John Graham-Cumming: "Almost 100 years after his birth, an international production team is set to take viewers on a journey to rediscover Alan Turing. Research and development for this feature-length drama documentary is underway, with plans to reach millions of viewers around the world through broadcast and theatrical release. The international production team includes Turing's preeminent biographer Dr. Andrew Hodges. Funding is currently being lined up for the film, with a goal for completion in mid-2012, to coincide with the centenary of Turing's birth. It's an important story that needs to be told."

How to write a simple TCP Server in Haskell - good coders code, great reuse

How to write a simple TCP Server in Haskell - good coders code, great reuse: "main :: IO ()
main = withSocketsDo $ do
args <- getArgs
let port = fromIntegral (read $ head args :: Int)
sock <- listenOn $ PortNumber port
putStrLn $ 'Listening on ' ++ (head args)
sockHandler sock"

Probably a repost, but our professor showed us this after a 6hr lecture on testing and I'm still laughing! Just had to show you guys... - Imgur

Probably a repost, but our professor showed us this after a 6hr lecture on testing and I'm still laughing! Just had to show you guys... - Imgur

APOD: 2011 January 28 - NanoSail-D

APOD: 2011 January 28 - NanoSail-D

Thursday, January 27, 2011

YouTube - Sound Builders - Eric Singer

YouTube - Sound Builders - Eric Singer: ""

YouTube - Pat Metheny Orchestrion guitar jazz

YouTube - Pat Metheny Orchestrion guitar jazz: ""

YouTube - Pat Metheny - The Orchestrion EPK

YouTube - Pat Metheny - The Orchestrion EPK: ""

The Daily What

The Daily What

Submissions |

Submissions |

The Backstory of Yahoo and Hadoop · Yahoo! Hadoop Blog

The Backstory of Yahoo and Hadoop · Yahoo! Hadoop Blog: "Back in January 2006, when we decided to invest in scaling Hadoop from an interesting prototype to the robust scalable framework it is today, it was obvious that our direct competitors had or were building private implementations of map-reduce and clustered storage. We didn't believe that this type of infrastructure would bring sustainable advantage to any one competitor: the needs of Web Search at the time were driving everyone in in a similar direction. Thus, instead of building yet another private implementation, we believed that investing in an Open Source solution would bring Yahoo! numerous benefits."

PatternSketch - HTML5/JavaScript Drum Machine and Sequencer

PatternSketch - HTML5/JavaScript Drum Machine and Sequencer: "Patternsketch is an HTML5 and Javascript audio sequencer and drum machine. With it, you can create audio patterns, play them back, adjust playback tempo, volume, and change the audio kit. You can also save, export, and collaborate with your friends."

No More Data Silos |

No More Data Silos |

Google APIs & Developer Products - January 2011

Google APIs & Developer Products - January 2011

Eli Bendersky’s website » Blog Archive » How debuggers work: Part 2 – Breakpoints

Eli Bendersky’s website » Blog Archive » How debuggers work: Part 2 – Breakpoints

Javascript in Ten Minutes (Javascript)

Javascript in Ten Minutes (Javascript): "var emptyMap = {};
var homogenousMap = {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3};
var heterogenousMap = {'one': 1,
'two': 'two',
'three': 3.0};"

PHD Comics: Grad School Energy Levels

PHD Comics: Grad School Energy Levels

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

fast.gif (160×120)

fast.gif (160×120)

101 vs. lol « 1/N

101 vs. lol « 1/N

LWPZR.png (640×960)

LWPZR.png (640×960)

Ksplice » 8 gdb tricks you should know - System administration and software blog

Ksplice » 8 gdb tricks you should know - System administration and software blog

while true blog » What if Visual Studio had Achievements?

while true blog » What if Visual Studio had Achievements?: "The Sword Fighter – 5 Consecutive Solution Rebuilds with zero code changes
Shotgun Debugging – 5 Consecutive Solution Rebuilds with a single character change
The Mathematician – Defined 15 local variables with a single character name
The Academic – Written 1000 lines of F#
Spaghetti Monster – Written a single line with more than 300 characters"

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

We talked about 2010 and 2011, and tiramisu too | La Tartine Gourmande

We talked about 2010 and 2011, and tiramisu too | La Tartine Gourmande

projects :: hijack

projects :: hijack: "HiJack is a hardware/software platform for creating cubic-inch sensor peripherals for the mobile phone. HiJack devices harvest power and use bandwidth from the mobile phone's headset interface. The HiJack platform enables a new class of small and cheap phone-centric sensor peripherals that support plug-and-play operation."

Awesome - Awesome Stuff - The Awesomer

Awesome - Awesome Stuff - The Awesomer


Android Developers Blog: Gingerbread NDK Awesomeness

Android Developers Blog: Gingerbread NDK Awesomeness: "With the latest version of the NDK we intend to further increase the awesomeness of your applications, this time by a pretty big margin. With NDK r5, we’re introducing new APIs that will allow you to do more from native code. In fact, with these new tools, applications targeted at Gingerbread or later can be implemented entirely in C++; you can now build an entire Android application without writing a single line of Java."

Arduino The Documentary (2010) English HD on Vimeo

Arduino The Documentary (2010) English HD on Vimeo

Arduino The Documentary (2010) English HD from gnd on Vimeo.

Arduino The Documentary (2010) English HD on Vimeo

Arduino The Documentary (2010) English HD on Vimeo


Homepage - Know Your Genre

Homepage - Know Your Genre

IGI Global - Machine Audition: Principles, Algorithms and Systems

IGI Global - Machine Audition: Principles, Algorithms and Systems

Neat looking book, and a friend and collaborator, Luis Gustavo Martins is a co-author.

Piet (programming language) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Piet (programming language) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Piet is an esoteric programming language designed by David Morgan-Mar, whose programs are bitmaps that look like abstract art. The compilation is guided by a "pointer" that moves around the image, from one continuous coloured region to the next. Procedures are carried through when the pointer exits a region.

Intimacy Black - Fashioning Technology

Intimacy Black - Fashioning Technology

In December Syuzi wrote about the first Intimacy dress by Daan Roosegaarde, fashion designer Maartje Dijkstra and V2_. This dress uses a white e-foil that reacts to the near presence of people by becoming transparent.

Boundary object

Boundary object: "Boundary object
Boundary object is a concept originally introduced by Susan L. Star and James R.  Griesemer (1989) to refer to objects that serve an interface between different communities of practice. Boundary objects are an entity shared by several different communities but viewed or used differently by each of them.
The concept has, for example, been applied on classification systems (Bowker & Star, 2000).

InformIT: Influential Programming Languages, Part 2: Simula > Simulation Classes

InformIT: Influential Programming Languages, Part 2: Simula > Simulation Classes

InformIT: Influential Programming Languages, Part 1: ALGOL > Goto Considered Harmful

InformIT: Influential Programming Languages, Part 1: ALGOL > Goto Considered Harmful

Pyro - About

Pyro - About: "Pyro is short for PYthon Remote Objects. It is an advanced and powerful Distributed Object Technology system written entirely in Python, that is designed to be very easy to use. Never worry about writing network communication code again, when using Pyro you just write your Python objects like you would normally. With only a few lines of extra code, Pyro takes care of the network communication between your objects once you split them over different machines on the network. All the gory socket programming details are taken care of, you just call a method on a remote object as if it were a local object!"

Did a US government lab help Israel develop Stuxnet?

Did a US government lab help Israel develop Stuxnet?

Ksplice » Coffee shop Internet access - System administration and software blog

Ksplice » Coffee shop Internet access - System administration and software blog

W3C HTML5 Logo

W3C HTML5 Logo

APOD: 2011 January 18 - Kona Galaxy Garden

APOD: 2011 January 18 - Kona Galaxy Garden

Monday, January 17, 2011

2010 Whale Review North & South | Orca Nation

2010 Whale Review North & South | Orca Nation: "An amazing computer scientist and creative man named Steven Ness of ORCHIVE / UVIC / GOOGLE found me through this site and approached me to collaborate. Now, we are busy working on some new and very exciting projects involving whales, machines, videos, animation, algorithms and more! Stay tuned for updates on that. Click here to see a small experimental project entitled A conversation between random image and sound."

Thanks for the shout-out Maria! You fully rock.

DOSITS: Weddell Seal

DOSITS: Weddell Seal

ML Audio 123436; Leptonychotes weddellii

ML Audio 123436; Leptonychotes weddellii

Pinniped Sounds

Pinniped Sounds

JungleWalk - Links to thousands of animal multimedia sites

JungleWalk - Links to thousands of animal multimedia sites

Rands In Repose: Managing Nerds

Rands In Repose: Managing Nerds

Google Maps

Google Maps

View Larger Map

How Facebook Ships Code « FrameThink – Frameworks for Thinking People

How Facebook Ships Code « FrameThink – Frameworks for Thinking People

Woah, code cowboys much!

APOD: 2011 January 17 - Night and Day above Almost Planet Sounio

APOD: 2011 January 17 - Night and Day above Almost Planet Sounio

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

No GPL Apps for Apple's App Store | ZDNet

No GPL Apps for Apple's App Store | ZDNet

An Interview with C++ Creator Bjarne Stroustrup - CodeGuru

An Interview with C++ Creator Bjarne Stroustrup - CodeGuru

Developers & The Art Of Being Wrong | Musings of the Bare Bones Coder

Developers & The Art Of Being Wrong | Musings of the Bare Bones Coder

Android/Linux Kernel: Lessons Learned | The Linux Foundation Video Site

Android/Linux Kernel: Lessons Learned | The Linux Foundation Video Site

Programming Innocence - projectb14ck

Programming Innocence - projectb14ck: "The best programmers I know are the ones who naively charge into battle: fearlessly removing code, spending days in complete isolation getting a prototype hacked together, ignoring all critics and outside influences. These guys are my heroes. They code ruthlessly in order to solve their problems. They yield for nothing."

Chromium Blog: HTML Video Codec Support in Chrome

Chromium Blog: HTML Video Codec Support in Chrome: "Specifically, we are supporting the WebM (VP8) and Theora video codecs, and will consider adding support for other high-quality open codecs in the future. Though H.264 plays an important role in video, as our goal is to enable open innovation, support for the codec will be removed and our resources directed towards completely open codec technologies."

Thunderstorms Make Antimatter - NASA Science

Thunderstorms Make Antimatter - NASA Science: "Scientists think the antimatter particles were formed inside thunderstorms in a terrestrial gamma-ray flash (TGF) associated with lightning. It is estimated that about 500 TGFs occur daily worldwide, but most go undetected.
'These signals are the first direct evidence that thunderstorms make antimatter particle beams,' said Michael Briggs, a member of Fermi's Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) team at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH). He presented the findings Monday, during a news briefing at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Seattle."

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Accuracy and precision - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Accuracy and precision - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LIBSVM Tools: Multi-label classification

LIBSVM Tools: Multi-label classification



Support vector machine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Support vector machine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "support vector regression"

A Comparison of Multiclass SVM Methods

A Comparison of Multiclass SVM Methods

Ksplice » Solving problems with proc - System administration and software blog

Ksplice » Solving problems with proc - System administration and software blog

OpenData + R + Google = Easy Maps | (R news & tutorials)

OpenData + R + Google = Easy Maps | (R news & tutorials)

Script Junkie | Namespacing in JavaScript

Script Junkie | Namespacing in JavaScript



Mining Wikipedia with Hadoop and Pig for Natural Language Processing, Nuxeo Developers Blog

Mining Wikipedia with Hadoop and Pig for Natural Language Processing, Nuxeo Developers Blog

Change the system volume from the command line

Change the system volume from the command line: "sudo osascript -e 'set Volume 0'"

sudo osascript -e "set volume output volume 0"

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

All Graduate students are invited to attend a talk by Steven Ness (PhD Candidate in CSc) on his recent intern experience at Google

When: Wed 12th January. 5:30pm
Where: ECS660

Please RSVP to Cindy Lowe (

Steven Ness participated in the Google Summer Intern project last summer, and was fortunate enough to work at the main Googleplex in Mountain View, California. In this talk, Steven will describe his experience at Google, from the work environment, intern perks and fun at Google. He'll also talk about the way to get a Google internship, and to skirt the mountains of resumes that Google receives each summer.

Light refreshments will be provided

Sunday, January 02, 2011

avisualhistorycopy.jpg (2300×3000)

avisualhistorycopy.jpg (2300×3000)

YouTube - Dusk + Blackdown: Margins Music ft Durrty Goodz and Farrah (official video)

YouTube - Dusk + Blackdown: Margins Music ft Durrty Goodz and Farrah (official video): ""

Flat 11, Penrose House, Penrose St, London SE17 3DU, UK to 149 Curtain Rd, London EC2A 3QE, UK - Google Maps

Flat 11, Penrose House, Penrose St, London SE17 3DU, UK to 149 Curtain Rd, London EC2A 3QE, UK - Google Maps

How To Find Us

How To Find Us: "Address:
147-149 CurtainRoad, London, EC2




Liverpool Street: Circle / Hammersmith & City / Metropolitan
Old Street: Northern Line City Branch

Great Northern to Old Street
Anglia Trains to Liverpool Street
Stanstead Express to Liverpool Street

8, 11, 23, 26, 35, 42, 43, 47, 48, 55, 67, 76, 78
100, 133, 141, 149, 214, 242, 243, 271, 344

Night Bus:
N8, N11, N26, N35, N149, N243"

YouTube - Dusk And Blackdown - Iqbals Groove (ft Farrah)

YouTube - Dusk And Blackdown - Iqbals Groove (ft Farrah): ""

FWD » Listings

FWD » Listings

xkcd: Mark

xkcd: Mark

London's best hot chocolate - Features - Time Out London

London's best hot chocolate - Features - Time Out London

the annual 2010 pon de floor - Google Search

the annual 2010 pon de floor - Google Search