Saturday, May 21, 2005

a bunch of linux audio goodness for you:

first, the source of all these links: alinuxjournal article about seq24
the agnula project

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

extra cool good ness
the pre-roman site at baalbek.
hey kids, check out the following neato links to world mysteries:


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

free online graph paper
she be she - you must listen to this.
umm, like wow.

the bbc is offering up a whole bunch of APIs, programs and resources for free. go BBC. now that i'm over here in europe i listen to the beeb all the time, and it really does rock. it has some excellent documntaries that really go into some incredible depth. now, CBC, can you keep up? perhaps, i should just make the documentaries for free and give them out.

you know, about that, there are some of us out here with such a work ethic, that if you just gave us enough money to live (well, at least above poverty line) that we would just produce great stuff for society, we just need to live out in the country (or wherever) and be allowed to work. now, how to make this happen.

any ideas, class?
the mighty GNUitar!.

ok, it's a guitar effects software for linux. ultra cool.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The farther you go, the less you know. -- Lao Tsu, "Tao Te Ching"

Thursday, May 05, 2005

A lightsaber can help convince an assailant that no means no.
The new Lockheed-Martin concept vehicle. Much cuter than the Boeing one, I think.

can i have one if i ask real nice?
for the rich among you : 96 node orion deskside cluster.
the fellowship for the interpretation of genomes. neat.
10 Secrets to Becoming a Catalyst for World Transformation
2001, 2003
Julie Jordan Scott

These secrets are meant to be shouted from roof tops and implemented
to the extreme. Each one can be hugely life changing when you integrate
it into your life.

This is your official invitation to do so at a higher level than you
are currently. Now is the time to join together with passion.

The first step towards this change is changing you. Pick a secret
and go with it. Now begin.

1. Choose to have only one way of being: living intentionally,
deliberately, purposefully and be consistent to that no matter
what hat you are wearing be endeavor towards your larger vision.

2. Reach inside when you hit obstacles. Instead of looking outside
yourself by playing a subtle blame game, go deeply within instead.
Uncover how you could make a different decision and then take
focused, purposeful action accordingly.

3. Reach out to others, sharing your discoveries and thoughts with
those inside your circle of influence and those outside your circle
of influence. World transformation begins with communicating our
beliefs into being.

4. Integrate your truth down to the cellular level. In acting from this
level of belief, your transformation will be able to become visible to
others. The sense of empowerment will then spread from you to others
whose lives with whom you are in contact.

5. Facilitate growth of those around you through mentoring, coaching,teaching, and creating purposeful relationships. \r\n Even a "one minute
relationship" may have life changing results! Be \r\n aware of
possibilities in each conversation with each person you meet \r\n everyday.

6. Communicate with the power of a laser and the \r\n expansiveness
of prosperous words. Make each word count. Practice this \r\n skill
joyfully. Eliminate words of fear, scarcity and lack replacing \r\n them
with words of love, abundance and prosperity.

7. Meet each \r\n person you encounter exactly where they are with
love and compassion. \r\n Look into their eyes when you talk with
them and really REALLY hear \r\n their words. Challenge them to no longer
accept the status \r\n quo.

8. Effectively use your unique gifts rather than living \r\n according to
someone else\'s expectations for you. Embrace your gifts \r\n as yours.
Trying to express someone else\'s specialness creates \r\n counterfeit
personal currency. Your gifts are riches like gold and \r\n silver.

9. Take passionate action every day. Do not miss a single \r\n day.
As you are moving seriously towards world transformation, do \r\n not
settle for manic action. Demand of yourself intentional, love \r\n
filled, laser focused action. The results will speak \r\n volumes.

10. Laugh, cry, love, nurture, applaud with passion! Be \r\n alive in
all things, whether it be in quiet contemplation of raucous \r\n
celebration. Spread that aliveness.

Transform your life \r\n and in turn transform Your World. \r\n

teaching, and creating purposeful relationships. Even a "one minute
relationship" may have life changing results! Be aware of
possibilities in each conversation with each person you meet everyday.

6. Communicate with the power of a laser and the expansiveness
of prosperous words. Make each word count. Practice this skill
joyfully. Eliminate words of fear, scarcity and lack replacing them
with words of love, abundance and prosperity.

7. Meet each person you encounter exactly where they are with
love and compassion. Look into their eyes when you talk with
them and really REALLY hear their words. Challenge them to no longer
accept the status quo.

8. Effectively use your unique gifts rather than living according to
someone else's expectations for you. Embrace your gifts as yours.
Trying to express someone else's specialness creates counterfeit
personal currency. Your gifts are riches like gold and silver.

9. Take passionate action every day. Do not miss a single day.
As you are moving seriously towards world transformation, do not
settle for manic action. Demand of yourself intentional, love
filled, laser focused action. The results will speak volumes.

10. Laugh, cry, love, nurture, applaud with passion! Be alive in
all things, whether it be in quiet contemplation of raucous
celebration. Spread that aliveness.

Transform your life and in turn transform Your World.

Do what you Love.
Live where you Love.
Pray where you Love.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

more links:

koders - search open source code
delicious social network

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

a neat and accessible article about the theremin.
my new favorite web comic cat and girl

Monday, May 02, 2005

the unitarian jihad

and an article about it.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Lydia Kavina - Goddess of the Theremin!

Is she married?
lots of music links:

virsyn - software music synthesizer

weschler review
audacity - linux sound editing program
basic protools free
audio processing
editing and mixing
how to use audacity
the theremin

the buchla 200e. ok, i want to build things like this.

bed style