Saturday, May 19, 2007


I've been having a lot of fun the last couple days doing Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) with test/spec on that new Personal Training online site that I'm coding in Ruby on Rails.

I first setup a User class, modifying the User class generated by acts_as_authenticated.

Then, I added Trainer and Client classes that use a polymorphic association to subclass the User class. It was a little strange, I first was thinking about using Single Table Inheritance (STI), but I figured that the Trainer and Client classes are sufficiently different from each other to warrant their own classes.

If I used STI, I would have had to put all the data for both the Trainer and the Client into the User model. These two roles are quite different, for example, a Trainer would receive a monthly invoice from us, but a Client would receive a monthly invoice from the Trainer. With STI, things could get pretty complicated, so I'm going to try polymorphic associations for now.

To do those polymorphic association for the User, I added a role_id and role_type fields to the model, and :polymorphic to the :belongs_to

# role_id :integer(11)
# role_type :string(255)
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :role, :polymorphic => true

Added the "has_one :user" and the "has_many :clients" to the Trainer:

class Trainer < ActiveRecord::Base

has_one :user, :as => :role
has_many :clients


and added the "has_one :user" and "belongs_to :trainer" to the Client:

class Client < ActiveRecord::Base

has_one :user, :as => :role
belongs_to :trainer


Then, I wrote a whole bunch of specifications to test everything backward and forward. Here's the test for the Client class, the Trainer class is almost identical:

context "" do

fixtures :trainers
fixtures :clients
fixtures :users

setup do
# Trainers
@deryn = trainers(:deryn)
@gordo = trainers(:gordo)
# Clients
@sness = clients(:sness)
@matt = clients(:matt)
@melissa = clients(:melissa)

specify "Client and User should be easy to create and link together" do
t =
u =
u.login = "userlogin"
u.role = t
u.save_without_validation t
t.user.should.equal u

specify "Client should be able to be associated with a User" do
@matt.user.should.equal users(:matt)

specify "Client should be associated with a trainer" do
@matt.trainer.should.equal @deryn
@sness.trainer.should.equal @deryn
@melissa.trainer.should.equal @gordo

specify "Should be able to add a Trainer to a Client" do
c =
c.trainer = @deryn
@deryn.clients.length.should.equal 3
