Thursday, November 09, 2006

scratch - is a tool from the MIT Media Lab that lets children design their own interactive content and games.

Very interesting, I've been thinking about how to get kids online building their own websites, trying to think of a way to simplify Ruby on Rails, so that it's more open and accessible, but still gives you all the power of Rails and Ruby, but just with a more friendly and accessible way to get started.

I've been thinking about this a lot in the context of the one laptop per child project. Where each child could be running a small application that they could rapidly iterate on, and then the web application and content could be published to a larger cloud computing paradigm. It's important to have both a way for the child to quickly iterate over content, think a BASIC program, and then for them to quickly get it out to the rest of the world. I'm thinking, and want to think about this with other like minded people.