Really cool slideshow/articleabout Web 2.0 without the web.
This kind of thing is what I've been thinking of for the last
while, how to write something that isn't scary for users to
install and can be quickly updated but with more power than
the traditional web 2.0 AJAX model gives you. I was thinking
about perhaps plugins to Firefox, or Java client side applications
that get most of their functionality via web services. Just a
framework, kind of like a web browser, that you can deploy both
data and applications inside of. My program Crank was moving
in that general direction, having plugins that a user could download
to use new programs, but I still wasn't satisfied with that paradigm.
Now, how to do something like this for GIS applications. We want a
really simple and very fast browser, something like Google Earth, but
with the ability to call web services both for new layers of data
and for applications, like map statistics.
Thinking, thinking.