QuickTime: Screen Recording with audio...: Apple Support Communities: "just figured this out myself today. you're on right track.
open system pref and go to SOUND - got to OUTPUT tab and choose soundflower (2ch) as your OUTPUT
open safari and open a new window - drag SWF file into that. it should play in the browser window. hit pause on the video.
open quicktime. go to NEW SCREEN RECORDING, and use the arrow to the right to open options. Choose sound INPUT as soundflower (2ch). do not raise the volume in the record window - keep it at lowest possible else you'll get an echo.
you are ready to roll.
so the browser will be outputting sound to soundflower, whilst the quicktime screenrecord gets input from soundflower. works like a charm. sounds great.
good luck.
keywords: convert SWF to MOV files convert flash to quicktime
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