Thursday, June 19, 2008

SWHX on Linux

I've made a little progress in getting swhx running on Linux.

SWHX is a really cool alternative to Adobe AIR, and lets you make a Flash application that runs on your local machine. It works by running a Neko process that launches and controls a Flash player on your local system.

It runs on Mac OSX and Windows, but not yet on Linux.

It was a little tricky to find out how to just compile it, so here's what I learned.

First of all, install it like normal:

haxelib setup
haxelib install swhx

Then get the source code from svn on Google Code:

svn checkout swhx

Change directory into the sample projects directory and copy the 1-basic to 0-verybasic

cd samples
cp -av 1-basic 0-verybasic
cd 0-verybasic

Replace the App.hx file in there with something more recent:

// App.hx
class App {
static function main() {
// initialize ScreenWeaver HX
// create a 400x300 window with title "My Application"
var window = new swhx.Window("My Application",400,300);
// creates a remoting server
var server = new;
// create a flash object inside this window
var flash = new swhx.Flash(window,server);
// set the HTML attributes of this flash object
// activate the Flash object
// display the window
window.visible = true;
// enter the system event loop (will exit when window is closed)
// cleanup SWHX properly

Compile and run:

haxe compile.hxml
neko app.n

You should then get a box with a red square in it.