Monday, April 02, 2007

Gotta clear out opera:

Faster ferret pagination in Rails:

Acts as Ferret tutorial:

A problem with
attachment_fu that got me for a while on Sunday, attachment_fu has
problems when you try to update an attachment. I got around it by
just deleting the record, however, this doesn't delete the data from
S3, so it's an incomplete solution.

I downloaded Mephisto
to try to track down how they are updating an attachment_fu. It looks
like they're doing the same thing I was trying:

Generating thumbnail images with with acts_as_attachment, the
predecessor of attachment_fu:

More on acts_as_attachment

The main acts_as_attachment page

ImageScience, a small library to just resize images. It's to help
replace ImageMagick, because some of these Rails people don't like
having to install all the RMagick dependencies. If the RMagick gem
could just report the error messages when it's building a bit better,
I think there would be less issues with it:

tutorial. attachment_fu is the new acts_as_attachment, and I
really like it, it's much better than than file_column. I was loyal
to file_column for almost a year, but it's time to move on:

AWS::S3 for Ruby. Really sweet.

A really great attachment_fu tutorial

setting the image directory used by attachment_fu

Installing ImageScience

attachment_fu with S3: custom path?

: RESTful Application, Dumb-Ass Recipient