Thursday, April 28, 2005

--------- A Poem About Lemurs ------------
Lemur Lemur burning bright
In the forests of the night
Staring out with your huge eyes
At the Madagascar skies
Old World primate though you are
I bet that you could drive a car
Better than most blondes I know
They don't have foxlike muzzles, though
Or any kind of tail to see
But yours are long and bushy, gee
I wish that I could be like you
And live in the jungle canopy too
Alas, I am an AOE *
And Fortran, Fortran calls to me
'Twill make me rage, and make me curse
So now I terminate my verse.
by Vance Kochenderfer
[ * AOE = Aerospace and Ocean Engineering student ]

found on furrymuck. come visit sness, 7th floor of the furry arms apartments. eat some berries!