Thursday, April 07, 2005

Occasionally, I scare myself with UNIX commands:

fwnc0200 781 [~/cranktestdata] % ls -1 generated/ | tr "/" " " | grep -v TAGS | xargs
aep_infl aep_low aep_peak caufd cbm1 cbm2 crustacyanin cyanase_infl cyanase_low cyanase_peak dna180 dna270 dna360 dna90 gere_high gere_infl gere_low gere_peak gilu haptbr hmc_infl hmc_low hmc_peak insulin jia_high jia_infl jia_low jia_peak krel2_sir krel2_siras lyso2 pen_sir pscp_infl pscp_peak pscp_remote rnase_sir rnase_siras sav3 ss_high ss_infl ss_peak titia weiss135 weiss180 weiss225 weiss270 weiss315 weiss360 weiss45 weiss90 x15_infl x15_peak x15_remote x16_infl x16_peak x16_remote

This was a little thing where I wanted all the directories listed on one line, for cut and pasting into an emacs window with a little bourne shell script.