"dfs.namenode.logging.level info The logging level for dfs namenode. Other values are "dir"(trac e namespace mutations), "block"(trace block under/over replications and block creations/deletions), or "all".
dfs.secondary.http.address The secondary namenode http server address and port. If the port is 0 then the server will start on a free port.
dfs.datanode.address The datanode server address and port for data transfer. If the port is 0 then the server will start on a free port.
dfs.datanode.http.address The datanode http server address and port. If the port is 0 then the server will start on a free port.
dfs.datanode.ipc.address The datanode ipc server address and port. If the port is 0 then the server will start on a free port."
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