Monday, April 30, 2012
How to disable dragging of images and text selection in web pages - Nokia Developer Wiki
How to disable dragging of images and text selection in web pages - Nokia Developer Wiki: "// this works for FireFox and WebKit in future according to
element.draggable = false;"
element.draggable = false;"
PerfUserGuide - kernel - a user guide to Linux performance event counters (perf) - Google production server Linux kernel development - Google Project Hosting
PerfUserGuide - kernel - a user guide to Linux performance event counters (perf) - Google production server Linux kernel development - Google Project Hosting: "Perf is a profiler tool for Linux 2.6+ based systems that abstracts away CPU hardware differences in Linux performance measurements and presents a simple commandline interface. Perf is based on the perf_events interface exported by recent versions of the Linux kernel. This article demonstrates the perf tool through example runs. Output was obtained on a Ubuntu 11.04 system with kernel 2.6.38-8-generic results running on an HP 6710b with dual-core Intel Core2 T7100 CPU). For readability, some output is abbreviated using ellipsis ([...])."
myExperiment: "The myExperiment Virtual Research Environment enables you and your colleagues to share digital items associated with your research — in particular it enables you to share and execute scientific workflows.
You can use to find publicly shared workflows. If you want further access, and the ability to upload and share workflows, you will need to sign up.
See the myExperiment Wiki for further information about myExperiment and how to join the user and developer communities."
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You can use to find publicly shared workflows. If you want further access, and the ability to upload and share workflows, you will need to sign up.
See the myExperiment Wiki for further information about myExperiment and how to join the user and developer communities."
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Beatbar - Media player that beats in the browser address bar
Beatbar - Media player that beats in the browser address bar: "The big O inside the address bar represents the current mouse position. Move the mouse pointer on the document to left and right to move O in the corresponding directions. When it appears over the controls, click the mouse button to take an action."
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UTF-8 Everywhere
UTF-8 Everywhere: "To promote usage and support of the UTF-8 encoding, to convince that this should be the default choice of encoding for storing text strings in memory or on disk, for communication and all other uses. We believe that all other encodings of Unicode (or text, in general) belong to rare edge-cases of optimization and should be avoided by mainstream users."
phpmaster | REST - Can You do More than Spell It? Part 1
phpmaster | REST - Can You do More than Spell It? Part 1: "As I’ve noted above, REST is not a true architecture and it doesn’t force you to use certain tools or protocols. But most implementation use HTTP, primarily because of it’s simplicity. Every protocol has operations defined in it that perform the CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete) work required when data is involved. HTTP uses the four basic operations GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE to do it’s CRUD work."
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Startups: Bands for Hackers - Peter Sobot
Startups: Bands for Hackers - Peter Sobot: "Like many bands, many startups begin in parents’ garages - serious business in a non-serious atmosphere. Founders (or band members) spend every waking moment together, working hard to perfect their craft and their endeavour. While bands work to perfect their lyrics, melodies and rhythms, startups work to perfect their pitch, product and business plan. Instead of fans, startups get users; instead of trying to impress the A&R rep that may show up to a performance, startups try to impress the investors in the audience on demo day. For bands, this demo is a rough CD - for startups, it’s their first product. Both are MVPs."
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They Ain’t Making Any More of Them: The Great Engineering Shortage of 2012 | TechCrunch
They Ain’t Making Any More of Them: The Great Engineering Shortage of 2012 | TechCrunch: "At a party recently a startup founder told me “If you could find me five great engineers in the next 90 days I’d pay you $400,000.” Which is crazy talk. Unless you stop to consider that Instagram’s team (mostly engineers) was valued at almost $80 million per employee or that corporate development heads often value engineers at startups they are acquiring at a half-million to million dollars per person."
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Saturday, April 28, 2012
css - Animate text size with jQuery then return to previous state - Stack Overflow
css - Animate text size with jQuery then return to previous state - Stack Overflow: " $(this).data('original-size', $(this).css('fontSize'));"
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Friday, April 27, 2012
#AltDevBlogADay » Functional Programming in C++
#AltDevBlogADay » Functional Programming in C++: "Someone taking an introductory programming class might be scratching their head and thinking “aren’t all programs supposed to be written like this?” The reality is that far more programs are Big Balls of Mud than not. Traditional imperative programming languages give you escape hatches, and they get used all the time. If you are just writing throwaway code, do whatever is most convenient, which often involves global state. If you are writing code that may still be in use a year later, balance the convenience factor against the difficulties you will inevitably suffer later. Most developers are not very good at predicting the future time integrated suffering their changes will result in."
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Code rant: The Database As Queue Anti-Pattern
Code rant: The Database As Queue Anti-Pattern: "Simple, use the right tool for the job: this scenario is crying out for a messaging system. It solves all the problems described above; no more polling, efficient message delivery, no need to clear completed messages from queues, and no shared state."
Get CPU Info via Command Line in Mac OS X
Get CPU Info via Command Line in Mac OS X: "Retrieving CPU information from the command line in Mac OS X is easy enough, first we’ll use sysctl because it give us everything on one easy to read line:
sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string"
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sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string"
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Clearly: "Are you lost? This is Clearly - structured text editor that uses your browser to manipulate & store documents.
To get hang of it go and play with the tutorial."
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To get hang of it go and play with the tutorial."
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flex - How can I pass the string "Null" through wsdl (SOAP) from AS3 to ColdFusion web service without receiving a "missing parameter error"? - Stack Overflow
flex - How can I pass the string "Null" through wsdl (SOAP) from AS3 to ColdFusion web service without receiving a "missing parameter error"? - Stack Overflow: "We have an employee whose last name is Null. He kills our employee lookup app when his last name is used as the search term (which happens to be quite often now). The error received (thanks Fiddler!) is
coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCInvocationException: [coldfusion.runtime.MissingArgumentException : The SEARCHSTRING parameter to the getFacultyNames function is required but was not passed in.]
Cute, huh?
The parameter's type is string. Using WSDL (SOAP). Flex 3.5 Actionscript 3 ColdFusion 8
Note that the error DOES NOT occur when calling the webservice as an object from a coldfusion page."
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coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCInvocationException: [coldfusion.runtime.MissingArgumentException : The SEARCHSTRING parameter to the getFacultyNames function is required but was not passed in.]
Cute, huh?
The parameter's type is string. Using WSDL (SOAP). Flex 3.5 Actionscript 3 ColdFusion 8
Note that the error DOES NOT occur when calling the webservice as an object from a coldfusion page."
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Intel Announces the New Intel® SDK for OpenCL* Applications 2012 – Blogs - Intel® Software Network
Intel Announces the New Intel® SDK for OpenCL* Applications 2012 – Blogs - Intel® Software Network: "In support of the recent announcement of the 3rd Generation Intel® Core™ Processors, Intel has released the Intel® SDK for OpenCL* Applications 2012. For the first time, OpenCL* developers using Intel® architecture can utilize compute resources across both Intel® Processors and Intel® HD Graphics Driver 4000/2500"
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Thursday, April 26, 2012
Martin Doms : Splines and curves part I – Bézier Curves
Martin Doms : Splines and curves part I – Bézier Curves: "Bézier curves
The first curve we will investigate is the infamous Bezier curve. It should be noted that the Bezier curve is not, in fact, a spline, but it’s still a useful starting point. We will start with an example, and delve into some details of how this curve works and why. Note that the interactive examples in this article use the HTML5 canvas element so may not work correctly on older browsers and some mobile devices. Hover your mouse over the curve to see how it is constructed."
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The first curve we will investigate is the infamous Bezier curve. It should be noted that the Bezier curve is not, in fact, a spline, but it’s still a useful starting point. We will start with an example, and delve into some details of how this curve works and why. Note that the interactive examples in this article use the HTML5 canvas element so may not work correctly on older browsers and some mobile devices. Hover your mouse over the curve to see how it is constructed."
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MiniJs - jQuery Plugins made easy
MiniJs - jQuery Plugins made easy: "
A suite of jQuery plugins written in CoffeeScript"
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A suite of jQuery plugins written in CoffeeScript"
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A geek with a hat » Google sent me a “what to know in on-site interviews” email. Here it is.
A geek with a hat » Google sent me a “what to know in on-site interviews” email. Here it is.: "You need to know Big-O complexity analysis really well → it’s OK to quickly come up with a brute force solution, but that’s never going to be the answer → always look for an O(n*logn) solution or ideally a linear one."
Introducing Bwoken — bendyworks
Introducing Bwoken — bendyworks: "Bwoken is a UIAutomation test runner for both iPhone and iPad, which lets you write your tests in CoffeeScript, then run them in bulk from the command line. Watch the video, then head on over to its homepage!"
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A geek with a hat » Google sent me a “what to know in on-site interviews” email. Here it is.
A geek with a hat » Google sent me a “what to know in on-site interviews” email. Here it is.: "Searching and sorting algorithms (Quicksort, Mergesort, etc) → know more than one O(n*logn) sorting algorithm → know how they work and how to optimise for time and space."
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
WebAIM: Blog - History of the browser user-agent string
WebAIM: Blog - History of the browser user-agent string: "And Apple built Safari, and used KHTML, but added many features, and forked the project, and called it WebKit, but wanted pages written for KHTML, and so Safari called itself Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; de-de) AppleWebKit/85.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/85.5, and it got worse."
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Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Modern Web Development
Modern Web Development: "From a DOM-debugging perspective, one of the cooler features of the console is its integration with the Elements panel (which we’ll discuss in the next section). Any element that’s selected in the Elements panel can be quickly accessed using “$0”. That will reference the element and allow you to interact with it. Inversely, whenever you see a DOM node printed in the console, you can right click on it and click “Reveal in Elements Panel” to quickly find it in the DOM.
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Monday, April 23, 2012
Gideon Sundback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gideon Sundback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Gideon Sundback (April 24, 1880 – June 21, 1954) was a Swedish-American electrical engineer. Gideon Sundback is most commonly associated with his work in the development of the zipper.[1]"
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Makers « Vancouver Island Mini Makerfaire
Makers « Vancouver Island Mini Makerfaire: "Vancouver Island Mini Maker Faire is a community-run event aimed at bringing Vancouver Island’s Makers, Doers, Tinkerers and Creatives together for a weekend of sharing knowledge, inspiring each other, exhibiting projects, and community building.
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Site & Sound « Royal BC Museum Calendar
Site & Sound « Royal BC Museum Calendar: "Site & Sound A unique festival evening of all things auditory! Musicians, poets and sound artists will inhabit the dioramas and displays of the Royal BC Museum after hours. They have specially crafted sound for this event, providing a unique way of experiencing the Royal BC Museum.
April 28, 2012
7pm start
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April 28, 2012
7pm start
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Modern Web Development
Modern Web Development: "I’ve tried to sort them from oldest to newest. Chrome Canary gets updated with new features all the time. After they bake for a while with the early adopters, they make their way slowly to Chromium, WebKit Nightlies, Chrome, then Safari. At any given time, Safari’s Inspector is about a year’s worth of development behind Chrome Canary. That is to say, use Chrome Canary for your development."
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Soft 404 errors - Webmaster Tools Help
Soft 404 errors - Webmaster Tools Help: "We recommend that you always return a 404 (Not found) or a 410 (Gone) response code in response to a request for a non-existing page. You can improve the user experience by configuring your site to display a custom 404 page when returning a 404 response code. For example, you could create a page containing a list of your most popular pages, or a link to your home page, or a feedback link. You can also use the Webmaster Tools Custom 404 widget to add a search box and more site search options to your site. But it’s important to remember that it’s not enough to just create a page that displays a 404 message. You also need to return the correct 404 or 410 HTTP response code.
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Maker Faire - Make Faire Bay Area 2012 May 19th & 20th
Maker Faire - Make Faire Bay Area 2012 May 19th & 20th: "Maker Faire Bay Area
May 19 & 20, 2012
San Mateo Event Center, San Mateo CA
Buy your TICKETS NOW and get a deal!
Call for Makers is now closed. Learn about other ways you can still get involved."
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May 19 & 20, 2012
San Mateo Event Center, San Mateo CA
Buy your TICKETS NOW and get a deal!
Call for Makers is now closed. Learn about other ways you can still get involved."
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Mark Shuttleworth » Blog Archive » Quality has a new name
Mark Shuttleworth » Blog Archive » Quality has a new name: " I give you the Quantal Quetzal, soon to be dressed in tessellated technicolour, now open for toolchains, kernels and other pressing preparatory packages.
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Saturday, April 21, 2012
Google Reader (1000+)
Google Reader (1000+): "You will find Verspätete Erinnerung close to a path crossing almost the whole forest.
The dead tree, laying on the ground, is burnt from the inside, but blossoms on the outside. Have a look at its heart, we tried to bring our own kind of life there as well!
GPS: 52.486442,13.243954
look carefully for a black cable
inside the tree
The dead tree, laying on the ground, is burnt from the inside, but blossoms on the outside. Have a look at its heart, we tried to bring our own kind of life there as well!
GPS: 52.486442,13.243954
look carefully for a black cable
inside the tree

Dynamic itemset counting and implication rules for market basket data
Dynamic itemset counting and implication rules for market basket data: "Dynamic itemset counting and implication rules for market basket data
Full Text: Pdf Buy this Article
Authors: Sergey Brin"
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Full Text: Pdf Buy this Article
Authors: Sergey Brin"
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Apriori algorithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Apriori algorithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "In computer science and data mining, Apriori[1] is a classic algorithm for learning association rules. Apriori is designed to operate on databases containing transactions (for example, collections of items bought by customers, or details of a website frequentation). Other algorithms are designed for finding association rules in data having no transactions (Winepi and Minepi), or having no timestamps (DNA sequencing)."
Association rule learning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Association rule learning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "In data mining, association rule learning is a popular and well researched method for discovering interesting relations between variables in large databases. Piatetsky-Shapiro[1] describes analyzing and presenting strong rules discovered in databases using different measures of interestingness. "
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Time series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Time series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Time series analysis comprises methods for analyzing time series data in order to extract meaningful statistics and other characteristics of the data."
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Sequence mining - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sequence mining - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Sequence mining is a topic of Data Mining concerned with finding statistically relevant patterns between data examples where the values are delivered in a sequence.[1] It is usually presumed that the values are discrete, and thus Time series mining is closely related, but usually considered a different activity. Sequence mining is a special case of structured data mining"
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Friday, April 20, 2012
How to setup SSL on Amazon EC2? - Server Fault
How to setup SSL on Amazon EC2? - Server Fault: "In your EC2 control panel, look at your instance and note the Security Group that is assigned to it. Then, navigate to the Security Groups section in the control panel, open your group, and make sure that port 443 is allowed over TCP.
This must be open to allow SSL traffic to your instance. A simple way to check if the port is open to the outside is to telnet into your server's IP on port 443, and see if you can connect and get a response.
telnet 443"
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This must be open to allow SSL traffic to your instance. A simple way to check if the port is open to the outside is to telnet into your server's IP on port 443, and see if you can connect and get a response.
telnet 443"
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Bret Victor, beast of burden
Bret Victor, beast of burden:
I believe that dynamic pictures will someday be the primary medium for visual art and visual explanations. The medium is currently in its infancy -- working in the medium is more about technological fumbling than artistic expression. The revolution cannot happen until there is a means for artists to draw dynamic pictures.
This essay describes what dynamic pictures are, what dynamic drawing is, why the subject is so important, and some initial project ideas.
If any of this inspires you to play around with these concepts, I'd love to see what you come up with.
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I believe that dynamic pictures will someday be the primary medium for visual art and visual explanations. The medium is currently in its infancy -- working in the medium is more about technological fumbling than artistic expression. The revolution cannot happen until there is a means for artists to draw dynamic pictures.
This essay describes what dynamic pictures are, what dynamic drawing is, why the subject is so important, and some initial project ideas.
If any of this inspires you to play around with these concepts, I'd love to see what you come up with.
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Django | Built-in template tags and filters | Django documentation
Django | Built-in template tags and filters | Django documentation: "{% if somevar == "x" %}
This appears if variable somevar equals the string "x"
{% endif %}"
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This appears if variable somevar equals the string "x"
{% endif %}"
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Force-refreshing only JavaScript files in Firefox and Chrome - Super User
Force-refreshing only JavaScript files in Firefox and Chrome - Super User: "I do this myself for development. I use CTRL-F5. Its like a force refresh. This refreshes the page including re-downloading any referenced JS files or CSS files even if they were cached.
It will NOT clear anything else such as your browsing history."
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It will NOT clear anything else such as your browsing history."
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DailyJS: A JavaScript Blog
DailyJS: A JavaScript Blog: "Unfortunately the division between the semicolon and semicolon-free crowd has become very pronounced and is leading to some angry exchanges. A recent lightning rod for semicolon-related controversy is the most watched project on GitHub, Twitter’s Bootstrap and the author of its JavaScript code, Jacob Thornton who is a convert to the semicolon-free camp."
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Welcome to the SlickGrid! · mleibman/SlickGrid Wiki
Welcome to the SlickGrid! · mleibman/SlickGrid Wiki: "Quite simply, SlickGrid is a JavaScript grid/spreadsheet component.
It is an advanced component and is going to be a bit more difficult to learn and configure, but once you realize its full potential, it will blow your mind!
Some highlights:
Adaptive virtual scrolling (handle hundreds of thousands of rows with extreme responsiveness)
Extremely fast rendering speed
Supports jQuery UI Themes
Background post-rendering for richer cells
Configurable & customizable
Full keyboard navigation
Column resize/reorder/show/hide
Column autosizing & force-fit
Pluggable cell formatters & editors
Support for editing and creating new rows.
Grouping, filtering, custom aggregators, and more!
Advanced detached & multi-field editors with undo/redo support.
“GlobalEditorLock” to manage concurrent edits in cases where multiple Views on a page can edit the same data.
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It is an advanced component and is going to be a bit more difficult to learn and configure, but once you realize its full potential, it will blow your mind!
Some highlights:
Adaptive virtual scrolling (handle hundreds of thousands of rows with extreme responsiveness)
Extremely fast rendering speed
Supports jQuery UI Themes
Background post-rendering for richer cells
Configurable & customizable
Full keyboard navigation
Column resize/reorder/show/hide
Column autosizing & force-fit
Pluggable cell formatters & editors
Support for editing and creating new rows.
Grouping, filtering, custom aggregators, and more!
Advanced detached & multi-field editors with undo/redo support.
“GlobalEditorLock” to manage concurrent edits in cases where multiple Views on a page can edit the same data.
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Crossbrowser » Crowdsourced brute-forcing: how Fez was a coop game for a couple of hours
Crossbrowser » Crowdsourced brute-forcing: how Fez was a coop game for a couple of hours: "Time between when the app went live to when the solution was found: ~18h
Number of contributors: more than 1300
Number of trolls: 123 people found a correct sequence, 20 of them found quite a few
Number of tested sequences: 66227/78125 (84.771%)
Number of false positives: 515
The solution had been marked as negative about 5 hours after the app went live either by someone trying to ruin the efforts of the others, because of an error from the player inputting the sequence of due to an error in the code.
Overall I am very satisfied of the project, it was shared by many on Twitter and on various forums as well as on Kotaku. I managed to set-up a very useful application in a matter of hours using Rails, Heroku and Bootstrap. The current website will remain live as I see no reason to take it down, I have put it in a frozen state to preserve its state at the time the sequence was found."
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Number of contributors: more than 1300
Number of trolls: 123 people found a correct sequence, 20 of them found quite a few
Number of tested sequences: 66227/78125 (84.771%)
Number of false positives: 515
The solution had been marked as negative about 5 hours after the app went live either by someone trying to ruin the efforts of the others, because of an error from the player inputting the sequence of due to an error in the code.
Overall I am very satisfied of the project, it was shared by many on Twitter and on various forums as well as on Kotaku. I managed to set-up a very useful application in a matter of hours using Rails, Heroku and Bootstrap. The current website will remain live as I see no reason to take it down, I have put it in a frozen state to preserve its state at the time the sequence was found."
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An Interview With Linus Torvalds | TechCrunch
An Interview With Linus Torvalds | TechCrunch: "That kind of focus is quite impressive. It’s also often potentially unstable – I think most people still remember Apple’s rocky path. I used to think that Apple would go bankrupt not *that* long ago, and I’m sure I wasn’t the only one. And it can be hard to maintain in the long run, which is probably why most other companies don’t act that way – the companies who consistently try to revolutionize the world also consistently eventually fail."
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Princeton S* Network Systems» Blog Archive » JavaScript in JavaScript (js.js): Sandboxing Third-Party Scripts
Princeton S* Network Systems» Blog Archive » JavaScript in JavaScript (js.js): Sandboxing Third-Party Scripts: "js.js is a JavaScript interpreter (which runs in JavaScript) that allows an application to execute a third-party script inside a completely isolated, sandboxed environment. An application can, at runtime, create and interact with the objects, properties, and methods available from within the sandboxed environment, giving it complete control over the third-party script. js.js supports the full range of the JavaScript language, is compatible with major browsers, and is resilient to attacks from malicious scripts."
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ie7-js - A JavaScript library to make MSIE behave like a standards-compliant browser. - Google Project Hosting
ie7-js - A JavaScript library to make MSIE behave like a standards-compliant browser. - Google Project Hosting: "About
IE7.js is a JavaScript library to make Microsoft Internet Explorer behave like a standards-compliant browser. It fixes many HTML and CSS issues and makes transparent PNG work correctly under IE5 and IE6.
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IE7.js is a JavaScript library to make Microsoft Internet Explorer behave like a standards-compliant browser. It fixes many HTML and CSS issues and makes transparent PNG work correctly under IE5 and IE6.
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Google Chrome Frame — Google Developers
Google Chrome Frame — Google Developers: "Enable open web technologies in Internet Explorer
Google Chrome Frame is an open source plug-in that seamlessly brings Google Chrome's open web technologies and speedy JavaScript engine to Internet Explorer. With Google Chrome Frame, you can:
Start using open web technologies—such as the HTML5 canvas tag—right away, even technologies that aren't yet supported in Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, or 9.
Take advantage of JavaScript performance improvements to make your apps faster and more responsive."
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Google Chrome Frame is an open source plug-in that seamlessly brings Google Chrome's open web technologies and speedy JavaScript engine to Internet Explorer. With Google Chrome Frame, you can:
Start using open web technologies—such as the HTML5 canvas tag—right away, even technologies that aren't yet supported in Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, or 9.
Take advantage of JavaScript performance improvements to make your apps faster and more responsive."
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Thursday, April 19, 2012
5 Creepy Ways Video Games Are Trying to Get You Addicted |
5 Creepy Ways Video Games Are Trying to Get You Addicted | "That's why the highest court in South Korea ruled that virtual goods are to be legally treated the same as real goods. And virtual goods are now a $5 billion industry worldwide.
There's nothing crazy about it. After all, people pay thousands of dollars for diamonds, even though diamonds do nothing but look pretty. A video game suit of armor looks pretty and protects you from video game orcs. In both cases you're paying for an idea."
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There's nothing crazy about it. After all, people pay thousands of dollars for diamonds, even though diamonds do nothing but look pretty. A video game suit of armor looks pretty and protects you from video game orcs. In both cases you're paying for an idea."
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Royal Antelope - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Royal Antelope - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "The royal antelope (Neotragus pygmaeus) is a West African antelope, only 25–30 cm (10–12 inches) high at the shoulder and weighing only 3.2–3.6 kg (9–10 lb) — it is the smallest of all antelopes. Their calves are small enough to fit into the average person's open hand. It is light brown in colour, with a paler underbelly and slightly darker heads and flanks. The male has small, spike-like horns, about 2.5 cm (1 inch) long."
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django - CSRF verification failed, but only with Facebook App - Stack Overflow
django - CSRF verification failed, but only with Facebook App - Stack Overflow: "I figured it out:
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
def my_view(request):
return HttpResponse('Hello world')"
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from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
def my_view(request):
return HttpResponse('Hello world')"
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Extracting uploaded zip file with Django in memory
Extracting uploaded zip file with Django in memory: "There are many situations where some time ago I woudn't hesitated to just use filesystem. But now I have started to realize the value of minimizing the usage of filesystem. Databases are designed to keep data and offer easy solutions for backup and security for example. Keeping more and more data in databases can be a good idea in some cases. I'm not saying you should always just push your data to the database, but it should be a consideration. Also using AppEngine lately has affected my thinking since it doesn't even offer access to filesystem.
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Fake S3 – Save time, money, and develop offline «
Fake S3 – Save time, money, and develop offline «: "At Spool, we built Fake S3 to make working with S3 in development and testing environments much easier. Our goal was to make a self contained executable that can mimic the majority of S3 Rest API with few external dependencies."
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Why Do Monads Matter? « Sententia cdsmithus
Why Do Monads Matter? « Sententia cdsmithus: "Or if you’re interested in mathematics, have you heard murmurs in the past about how category theory interests computer science people? Looked for some clear statement of why we care, and what problems we might be interested in? Wondered if it’s really true at all? Perhaps you are like a friend of mine (and a first-rate algebraist, too, so it’s entirely reasonable to have these questions) who asked me about this a year or so ago, remembered hearing a lot of excitement in the early 90s about category theory and computer science, but never heard whether it had really panned out or was a dead end?"
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The Price of Cleverness (YAML is not Safe) | Ovid []
The Price of Cleverness (YAML is not Safe) | Ovid []: "# Why do people think this stuff is clever?
no warnings;my$M=__PACKAGE__.::;*{$M.Object::new}=sub{bless{@_[1..$#_]},$_[0]};
*{$M.import}=sub{import warnings;$^H|=1538;my($P,%e,%o)=caller.::;shift;
eval"no Mo::$_",&{$M.$_.::e}($P,\%e,\%o,\@_)for@_;return if$e{M};"
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no warnings;my$M=__PACKAGE__.::;*{$M.Object::new}=sub{bless{@_[1..$#_]},$_[0]};
*{$M.import}=sub{import warnings;$^H|=1538;my($P,%e,%o)=caller.::;shift;
eval"no Mo::$_",&{$M.$_.::e}($P,\%e,\%o,\@_)for@_;return if$e{M};"
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Taras’ Blog » Blog Archive » Web 2.0: A Collection of SetTimeouts
Taras’ Blog » Blog Archive » Web 2.0: A Collection of SetTimeouts: "What should well-behaved web apps do?
You can detect when your tab becomes inactive via window.onblur, then throttle or disable your page activity. I know using focus is suboptional for this. There is also a vendor-prefixed visibility api (thanks!)."
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You can detect when your tab becomes inactive via window.onblur, then throttle or disable your page activity. I know using focus is suboptional for this. There is also a vendor-prefixed visibility api (thanks!)."
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Money Where Your Mouse Is: re.porter | Hint Fashion Magazine
Money Where Your Mouse Is: re.porter | Hint Fashion Magazine: "Money Where Your Mouse Is: re.porter
As the period-punctuated, lower-case name suggests, re.porter is an online consignment store for men of the avant-garde persuasion. And here's how you know you're dealing with a very specific sliver of the avant-garde. When founder Graham Newmarch selects items to resell, "People either email me pictures of their items," he says, "or simply describe the item to me. They'll say things like 'Julius gun holster lamb-leather jacket' and I'll know exactly what it is." If you, too, know exactly what that is, you may have found your bliss.
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As the period-punctuated, lower-case name suggests, re.porter is an online consignment store for men of the avant-garde persuasion. And here's how you know you're dealing with a very specific sliver of the avant-garde. When founder Graham Newmarch selects items to resell, "People either email me pictures of their items," he says, "or simply describe the item to me. They'll say things like 'Julius gun holster lamb-leather jacket' and I'll know exactly what it is." If you, too, know exactly what that is, you may have found your bliss.
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Jaltarang : water music of India « Indian Raga
Jaltarang : water music of India « Indian Raga: "Jaltarang : water music of India
September 16, 2009 at 4:24 pm (hindi film music, hindustani classical music)
Tags: jaltarang, master vyas, milind tulankar, water music
The Jaltarang, one of the most rarely heard instruments today, is among the oldest instruments in the world. It consists of china bowls filled with water and struck by two wooden sticks. Earlier, since china clay bowls were not available, artists used to play this instrument with metal bowls. Each bowl can be tuned to the desired frequency by varying the quantity of water in it. These bowls are placed in a semi-circle arrangement around the artist and played. The Jaltarang has a pleasant characteristic tone similar to the Feng Shui wind chimes. The player can produce on it, classical Indian Ragas and light melodies as well. Jaltarang is a unique instrument in the sense that it is both a percussion, as well as non-percussion instrument.
September 16, 2009 at 4:24 pm (hindi film music, hindustani classical music)
Tags: jaltarang, master vyas, milind tulankar, water music
The Jaltarang, one of the most rarely heard instruments today, is among the oldest instruments in the world. It consists of china bowls filled with water and struck by two wooden sticks. Earlier, since china clay bowls were not available, artists used to play this instrument with metal bowls. Each bowl can be tuned to the desired frequency by varying the quantity of water in it. These bowls are placed in a semi-circle arrangement around the artist and played. The Jaltarang has a pleasant characteristic tone similar to the Feng Shui wind chimes. The player can produce on it, classical Indian Ragas and light melodies as well. Jaltarang is a unique instrument in the sense that it is both a percussion, as well as non-percussion instrument.

Fractal's sets on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
Fractal's sets on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free: "Spring 2011: Thor ‘Fractal’ Kell plays music that sounds like William Gibson novels, late nights in Detroit, and endless Sunday afternoons in Berlin.
His production draws a slightly wider net than that, adding Bristol lushness, Kyoto bleeps, and a patient, quintisentially Canadian sense for form and shape. Past hits include the chart-topping Up on Kompakt, an EP on Primal, and releases on Perc Trax, Gemini, Fade, and his own Tide Pool label.
Other highlights include The World Outside, a DVD album / remix retrospective / two-movement symphony; ITERATE, a live / improv project with local beat legend Patience Automate; and, finally, three string quartets, two pieces for full orchestra, and a suite of miniatures for solo piano. As one does."
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His production draws a slightly wider net than that, adding Bristol lushness, Kyoto bleeps, and a patient, quintisentially Canadian sense for form and shape. Past hits include the chart-topping Up on Kompakt, an EP on Primal, and releases on Perc Trax, Gemini, Fade, and his own Tide Pool label.
Other highlights include The World Outside, a DVD album / remix retrospective / two-movement symphony; ITERATE, a live / improv project with local beat legend Patience Automate; and, finally, three string quartets, two pieces for full orchestra, and a suite of miniatures for solo piano. As one does."
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Creating a HTML 5 Web App for iPad – Part 2 – Anders Zakrisson – Anders Zakrisson
Creating a HTML 5 Web App for iPad – Part 2 – Anders Zakrisson – Anders Zakrisson: "The local storage works well for data but to store application resources such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and images a manifest file has to be created and declared in the document. It should list all resources to be cached and they are then fetched from the local storage rather than the web.
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Creating a HTML 5 Web App for iPad – Part 2 – Anders Zakrisson – Anders Zakrisson
Creating a HTML 5 Web App for iPad – Part 2 – Anders Zakrisson – Anders Zakrisson: "Touch, Scroll and Swipes
Since point and drag is used for panning and scrolling there’s no way to use swipes and drags in the default web mode on iOS devices. However, there’s a way to bypass the default touch events and bind your own by adding event listeners for the touchstart, touchmove and touchend events in JavaScript. The first step is to remove the default functionality (pan) when pointing and dragging.
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Since point and drag is used for panning and scrolling there’s no way to use swipes and drags in the default web mode on iOS devices. However, there’s a way to bypass the default touch events and bind your own by adding event listeners for the touchstart, touchmove and touchend events in JavaScript. The first step is to remove the default functionality (pan) when pointing and dragging.
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Mounting Mac HFS disks | TuxRadar Linux
Mounting Mac HFS disks | TuxRadar Linux: "If you want to be able to share an external drive between Linux and Mac OS X, you should disable the filesystem's journal in OS X by selecting the device, pressing the Option key and clicking File > Disable Journalling.
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hfsplus - Community Ubuntu Documentation
hfsplus - Community Ubuntu Documentation: "In OS X, open a terminal and do
sudo diskutil disableJournal volumeName"
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sudo diskutil disableJournal volumeName"
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The world’s two worst variable names | Andy Lester
The world’s two worst variable names | Andy Lester: "While I’m well aware that variable naming conventions can often turn into a religious war, I’m entirely confident when I declare The World’s Worst Variable Name is $data."
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Tuesday, April 17, 2012
I Ain't Afraid of No Downtime: Scaling Continuous Deployment - The Art Of Delightful Software
I Ain't Afraid of No Downtime: Scaling Continuous Deployment - The Art Of Delightful Software: "Now, if we were processing credit cards or something like that, 20 seconds of downtime per day due to deployments would be unacceptable. (Note: we don't do that.) On the contrary, if your traffic is largely mobile, as ours is, then 20 seconds a day is nothing. In fact, we expect far worse. The reason is that, in the land of mobile, you get in the habit of trying and retrying everything related to the network, because the coverage can be so spotty."
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What it takes to build great machine learning products - O'Reilly Radar
What it takes to build great machine learning products - O'Reilly Radar: "Machine learning (ML) is all the rage, riding tight on the coattails of the "big data" wave. Like most technology hype, the enthusiasm far exceeds the realization of actual products. Arguably, not since Google's tremendous innovations in the late '90s/early 2000s has algorithmic technology led to a product that has permeated the popular culture. That's not to say there haven't been great ML wins since, but none have as been as impactful or had computational algorithms at their core. Netflix may use recommendation technology, but Netflix is still Netflix without it. There would be no Google if Page, Brin, et al., hadn't exploited the graph structure of the web and anchor text to improve search."
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HTML5 jQuery Paint Plugin | Websanova
HTML5 jQuery Paint Plugin | Websanova: "Websanova Paint is a HTML5 canvas based jQuery plugin. It allows you to free paint on a canvas area with various shapes and colors including an eraser. It also features the fantastic Websanova Color Picker allowing you to set both border and fill colors. The canvas area can be set to any size you like and perhaps it’s greatest feature is the ability to save your drawing as an image and then load it back in later. In fact you can load any image in as your drawing as long as it is a base64 encoded PNG image. "
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DBLP: Xavier Amatriain
DBLP: Xavier Amatriain: "Xavier Amatriain, Jorge Castellanos, Tobias Höllerer, JoAnn Kuchera-Morin, Stephen Travis Pope, Graham Wakefield, Will Wolcott: Experiencing Audio and Music in a Fully Immersive Environment. CMMR 2007: 380-400
6 Tobias Höllerer, JoAnn Kuchera-Morin, Xavier Amatriain: The allosphere: a large-scale immersive surround-view instrument. EDT 2007: 3"
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6 Tobias Höllerer, JoAnn Kuchera-Morin, Xavier Amatriain: The allosphere: a large-scale immersive surround-view instrument. EDT 2007: 3"
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..::CLAM::.. C++ Library for Audio and Music
..::CLAM::.. C++ Library for Audio and Music: "CLAM finally made its way into the official Debian repositories. Many thanks to the maintainer, Taniguchi Takaki.
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The Netflix Tech Blog: Netflix Recommendations: Beyond the 5 stars (Part 1)
The Netflix Tech Blog: Netflix Recommendations: Beyond the 5 stars (Part 1): "We evaluated some of the new methods offline but the additional accuracy gains that we measured did not seem to justify the engineering effort needed to bring them into a production environment. Also, our focus on improving Netflix personalization had shifted to the next level by then. In the remainder of this post we will explain how and why it has shifted.
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Introducing QAMA Calculator
Introducing QAMA Calculator: "The revolutionary calculator that shows the answer only when you also enter a suitable mental estimate.
With QAMA as the student's regular calculator and used exclusively, calculations can no longer be performed without involving the head and the proper comprehension of the ingredients. As expected, its effects on performance and, more importantly - understanding, are phenomenal.
It is even fun: Getting estimates accepted is satisfying. Understanding is pleasing. Users at all levels rapidly find themselves much better at it than they thought.
QAMA helps to, altogether, combat the reliance on useless rote performance that is so prevalent in math and science education."
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With QAMA as the student's regular calculator and used exclusively, calculations can no longer be performed without involving the head and the proper comprehension of the ingredients. As expected, its effects on performance and, more importantly - understanding, are phenomenal.
It is even fun: Getting estimates accepted is satisfying. Understanding is pleasing. Users at all levels rapidly find themselves much better at it than they thought.
QAMA helps to, altogether, combat the reliance on useless rote performance that is so prevalent in math and science education."
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Monday, April 16, 2012
Urban Dictionary: Sparkle Pony
Urban Dictionary: Sparkle Pony: " Sparkle Pony 218 up, 49 down
A high maintenance person at the Burning Man Festival who is unprepared for the harsh camping environment and becomes a burden to their camp-mates.
Burner #1: "Can you believe that Sparkle Pony over there brought 60 costumes but only 2 gallons of water and some ramen noodles?"
Burner#2: "Yeah. They asked me where the food court was located.""
A high maintenance person at the Burning Man Festival who is unprepared for the harsh camping environment and becomes a burden to their camp-mates.
Burner #1: "Can you believe that Sparkle Pony over there brought 60 costumes but only 2 gallons of water and some ramen noodles?"
Burner#2: "Yeah. They asked me where the food court was located.""
Surfin' Safari - Blog Archive » Introducing Text-Stroke
Surfin' Safari - Blog Archive » Introducing Text-Stroke: "
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This text has a black 3px stroke and a purple fill.
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Packages lookup / .labs { float: both }
Packages lookup / .labs { float: both }: "Looks up packages on PyPI, CPAN, RubyGems, NPM, Maven Central, Clojars, GitHub, Bitbucket, Ubuntu, Arch User Repository, FreeBSD ports, Fedora and Homebrew.
Results are cached for five hours."
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Results are cached for five hours."
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Programmer's Braindump: Quick Google App Engine RSA Benchmark
Programmer's Braindump: Quick Google App Engine RSA Benchmark: "To expand on what Strom said: The 20 minutes of frontend time is because App Engine started a frontend instance to handle the request, and then kept it alive until it became clear he wasn't going to get any more requests. As you say in the article, the actual calculation only took 10 seconds. You could hit your frontend instance once every 10 seconds for an hour for a price of $0.08 an hour as well, which would correspond to around 12 CPU-minutes on your computer, so around 2/3rds of a cent per your-PC-CPU-minute."
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International Space Apps Challenge
International Space Apps Challenge: "BEHIND THE SITE: SPACEAPPSCHALLENGE.ORG
If you follow openNASA, you’ve no doubt heard of the International Space Apps Challenge – our global codeathon taking place on all seven continents and in space next month. Two weeks ago, we launched a new website for the Challenge that allows visitors to sign up for events, view and submit challenges, and learn more about the event. We put a lot of effort in to making it cutting edge by using the latest web technologies and standards to provide an excellent user experience. This post will showcase just some of the methods we used to make the site, and give you some ideas for creating one yourself.
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If you follow openNASA, you’ve no doubt heard of the International Space Apps Challenge – our global codeathon taking place on all seven continents and in space next month. Two weeks ago, we launched a new website for the Challenge that allows visitors to sign up for events, view and submit challenges, and learn more about the event. We put a lot of effort in to making it cutting edge by using the latest web technologies and standards to provide an excellent user experience. This post will showcase just some of the methods we used to make the site, and give you some ideas for creating one yourself.
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Sunday, April 15, 2012
Firefighters aid injured hiker on Mt. Finlayson
Firefighters aid injured hiker on Mt. Finlayson: "Langford firefighters broke out ropes, a basket stretcher and an all-terrain vehicle Friday to rescue a man who had fallen while hiking on Mount Finlayson.
Langford Assistant Chief Scott Davidson said 13 firefighters responded to the call from Goldstream Park, which came in at 11: 30 a.m.
A 73-year-old man had fallen about five metres down the south face of Mount Finlayson, suffering a cut to his head.
Due to rain and sleet, the basket stretcher carrying the man was lowered by rope rather than carried."
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Langford Assistant Chief Scott Davidson said 13 firefighters responded to the call from Goldstream Park, which came in at 11: 30 a.m.
A 73-year-old man had fallen about five metres down the south face of Mount Finlayson, suffering a cut to his head.
Due to rain and sleet, the basket stretcher carrying the man was lowered by rope rather than carried."
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Friday, April 13, 2012
Markov logic network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Markov logic network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "A Markov logic network (or MLN) is a probabilistic logic which applies the ideas of a Markov network to first-order logic, enabling uncertain inference. Markov logic networks generalize first-order logic, in the sense that, in a certain limit, all unsatisfiable statements have a probability of zero, and all tautologies have probability one."
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What is a model? - Backbone.js Tutorials
What is a model? - Backbone.js Tutorials: " initialize: function(){
alert("Welcome to this world");
this.bind("change:name", function(){
var name = this.get("name"); // 'Stewie Griffin'
alert("Changed my name to " + name );
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alert("Welcome to this world");
this.bind("change:name", function(){
var name = this.get("name"); // 'Stewie Griffin'
alert("Changed my name to " + name );
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jquery - Storing an Array in localStorage Using JSON.stringify - Stack Overflow
jquery - Storing an Array in localStorage Using JSON.stringify - Stack Overflow: "var links = {'one': 1, 'two': 2 };
var setstr = JSON.stringify(links);
localStorage.setItem('strlinks', setstr);
var getstr = localStorage.getItem('strlinks');
console.log(getstr); //Returns what's expected - '{"one":1, "two":2}'"
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var setstr = JSON.stringify(links);
localStorage.setItem('strlinks', setstr);
var getstr = localStorage.getItem('strlinks');
console.log(getstr); //Returns what's expected - '{"one":1, "two":2}'"
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backbone.js - each loop in underscore.js template. WTF? - Stack Overflow
backbone.js - each loop in underscore.js template. WTF? - Stack Overflow: "So, for example, your template above should be (with standard template settings):
<% _.each([0,1,2,3,4], function(i) { %>
<%= i %>
<% }); %>"
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<% _.each([0,1,2,3,4], function(i) { %>
<%= i %>
<% }); %>"
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Life's Too Short to Write Shitty Software - Adzerk Team Blog
Life's Too Short to Write Shitty Software - Adzerk Team Blog: "Everyone is Hiring - Seriously. At least it feels that way. Even in the Triangle. Money is flowing into tech. I would love to see an unemployment statistic of coders vs. every other occupation. I’m willing to wager that it’s under 3%. If you’re unemployed, not making rent, but can code, then you’re doing something wrong. The Wall Street Journal just name “Software Engineer” as the best job of 2012. They measured “physical demands, work environment, income, stress, and hiring outlook.” If it’s the best job in America, it’s easier than ever to find another job, but you hate your job, why are you still there? "
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Artificial Intelligence Could Be on Brink of Passing Turing Test | Wired Science |
Artificial Intelligence Could Be on Brink of Passing Turing Test | Wired Science | "“Two revolutionary advances in information technology may bring the Turing test out of retirement,” wrote Robert French, a cognitive scientist at the French National Center for Scientific Research, in an Apr. 12 Science essay. “The first is the ready availability of vast amounts of raw data — from video feeds to complete sound environments, and from casual conversations to technical documents on every conceivable subject. The second is the advent of sophisticated techniques for collecting, organizing, and processing this rich collection of data.”"
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research!rsc: QArt Codes
research!rsc: QArt Codes: "QR codes are encoded using Reed-Solomon error-correcting codes, so that a QR scanner does not have to see every pixel correctly in order to decode the content. The error correction makes it possible to introduce a few errors (fewer than the maximum that the algorithm can fix) in order to make an image. For example, in 2008, Duncan Robertson took a QR code for “” (left) and introduced errors in the form of a BBC logo (right):"

High Scalability - High Scalability - Ask For Forgiveness Programming - Or How We'll Program 1000 Cores
High Scalability - High Scalability - Ask For Forgiveness Programming - Or How We'll Program 1000 Cores: "You may recognize David as the co-creator of the Self programming language, inspiration for the HotSpot technology in the JVM and the prototype model used by Javascript. He’s also the innovator behind using cartoon animation techniques to build user interfaces. Now he’s applying that same creative zeal to solving the multicore problem."
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Shining Light into Black Boxes
Shining Light into Black Boxes: "The publication and open exchange of knowledge and material form the backbone of scientific progress and reproducibility and are obligatory for publicly funded research. Despite increasing reliance on computing in every domain of scientific endeavor, the computer source code critical to understanding and evaluating computer programs is commonly withheld, effectively rendering these programs “black boxes” in the research work flow. Exempting from basic publication and disclosure standards such a ubiquitous category of research tool carries substantial negative consequences. Eliminating this disparity will require concerted policy action by funding agencies and journal publishers, as well as changes in the way research institutions receiving public funds manage their intellectual property (IP)."
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Chris Granger - Light Table - a new IDE concept
Chris Granger - Light Table - a new IDE concept: "Docs everywhere
When you're looking at new code it's extremely valuable to be able to quickly see documentation left behind by the author. Normally to do so you'd have to navigate to the definition of the function, but lightable ghosts this information in to the side. Want to know what partial does? Just put your cursor on top of it. This makes sure you never have to worry about forgetting things like argument order ever again.
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When you're looking at new code it's extremely valuable to be able to quickly see documentation left behind by the author. Normally to do so you'd have to navigate to the definition of the function, but lightable ghosts this information in to the side. Want to know what partial does? Just put your cursor on top of it. This makes sure you never have to worry about forgetting things like argument order ever again.
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Scoopshot is hiring a software developer
Scoopshot is hiring a software developer: "Scoopshot is hiring a SW Developer!
We are looking for great software developers to join our team in Helsinki, Finland. No specific skillset or background is required, beyond a solid grasp of CS fundamentals. Point us to your public code, or tell us something interesting you’ve done.
Send your application (and your code) to:
{ the first 7-digit palindromic prime found in consecutive digits of pi }"
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We are looking for great software developers to join our team in Helsinki, Finland. No specific skillset or background is required, beyond a solid grasp of CS fundamentals. Point us to your public code, or tell us something interesting you’ve done.
Send your application (and your code) to:
{ the first 7-digit palindromic prime found in consecutive digits of pi }"
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Thursday, April 12, 2012
tiagoft / pytroll / overview — Bitbucket
tiagoft / pytroll / overview — Bitbucket: "tiagoft / pytroll
create pull request
This is the ugly, yet powerful beast of transcription of music!
Clone this repository (size: 33.9 KB): HTTPS / SSH
git clone"
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create pull request
This is the ugly, yet powerful beast of transcription of music!
Clone this repository (size: 33.9 KB): HTTPS / SSH
git clone"
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jquery - Click event called twice on touchend in iPad - Stack Overflow
jquery - Click event called twice on touchend in iPad - Stack Overflow: "var isIOS = ((/iphone|ipad/gi).test(navigator.appVersion));
var myDown = isIOS ? "touchstart" : "mousedown";
var myUp = isIOS ? "touchend" : "mouseup";
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var myDown = isIOS ? "touchstart" : "mousedown";
var myUp = isIOS ? "touchend" : "mouseup";
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Wednesday, April 11, 2012
jquery - Click event called twice on touchend in iPad - Stack Overflow
jquery - Click event called twice on touchend in iPad - Stack Overflow: "
down vote
iPad both understands touch start - end and mouse start - end.
Is gets fired like this:
| touchstart | touchend | mousedown |
| | | mouseup |
You have to detect if the user is on a tablet and then relay on the touch start things...:
var isIOS = ((/iphone|ipad/gi).test(navigator.appVersion));
var myDown = isIOS ? "touchstart" : "mousedown";
var myUp = isIOS ? "touchend" : "mouseup";
and then bind it like this:
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down vote
iPad both understands touch start - end and mouse start - end.
Is gets fired like this:
| touchstart | touchend | mousedown |
| | | mouseup |
You have to detect if the user is on a tablet and then relay on the touch start things...:
var isIOS = ((/iphone|ipad/gi).test(navigator.appVersion));
var myDown = isIOS ? "touchstart" : "mousedown";
var myUp = isIOS ? "touchend" : "mouseup";
and then bind it like this:
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Mosh: the mobile shell
Mosh: the mobile shell: "Mosh
(mobile shell)
Remote terminal application that allows roaming, supports intermittent connectivity, and provides intelligent local echo and line editing of user keystrokes.
Mosh is a replacement for SSH. It's more robust and responsive, especially over Wi-Fi, cellular, and long-distance links.
Mosh is free software, available for GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, and Mac OS X."
(mobile shell)
Remote terminal application that allows roaming, supports intermittent connectivity, and provides intelligent local echo and line editing of user keystrokes.
Mosh is a replacement for SSH. It's more robust and responsive, especially over Wi-Fi, cellular, and long-distance links.
Mosh is free software, available for GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, and Mac OS X."
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
How to get Phusion Passenger, MySQL and Rails to play nicely in production - Stack Overflow
How to get Phusion Passenger, MySQL and Rails to play nicely in production - Stack Overflow: "Figured it out. Woo Hoo!
Summary: Ruby Enterprise Edition (update, thanks Hongli!) has its own set of gems. Even though I was updating the gem, it wasn't the one that Passenger was reading.
Here's how I figured that out:"
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Summary: Ruby Enterprise Edition (update, thanks Hongli!) has its own set of gems. Even though I was updating the gem, it wasn't the one that Passenger was reading.
Here's how I figured that out:"
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Monday, April 09, 2012
960 Grid on jQuery-Mobile - merge flexibility with jquery-mobile ease
960 Grid on jQuery-Mobile - merge flexibility with jquery-mobile ease: "jquery-mobile-960 is a port of 960 grid to jquery mobile. It merge the flexibility of, and the ease of jquery mobile. It aims to bring more flexibility to jquery-mobile layout and thus make it easier to use on tablets."
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Scrolling libraries for Mobile Safari - Allen Pike
Scrolling libraries for Mobile Safari - Allen Pike: "However, Mobile Safari requires two-finger scrolling for iframes and overflow:scroll elements, and doesn’t support position:fixed. Both these decisions make sense for making existing content browsable using touch, but complicate things for apps that need kind of scrolling."
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Now you see me… show/hide performance » Learning jQuery - Tips, Techniques, Tutorials
Now you see me… show/hide performance » Learning jQuery - Tips, Techniques, Tutorials: ".css({'display':'none'}) & .css({'display':'block'});
These methods were very snappy. They showed an improvement over .addClass() and .removeClass() in Opera and IE 6/7 and about the same in other browsers. They work great if you know the current display style of all the elements you are changing, or at least have not changed the display style inline. If you have changed the display style inline, then you will need to make sure you set the correct value when you make the element visible again. If you are just using the elements' default display value or set the display value in the css, then you can just remove the style like so, .css({'display':''}), and it will revert to whatever value it has in the css or by default. As a library, jQuery can't assume that the display element wasn't set inline, so it has to manually keep track of it. That is the main slowness you can avoid since you know you won't be setting the display inline."
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These methods were very snappy. They showed an improvement over .addClass() and .removeClass() in Opera and IE 6/7 and about the same in other browsers. They work great if you know the current display style of all the elements you are changing, or at least have not changed the display style inline. If you have changed the display style inline, then you will need to make sure you set the correct value when you make the element visible again. If you are just using the elements' default display value or set the display value in the css, then you can just remove the style like so, .css({'display':''}), and it will revert to whatever value it has in the css or by default. As a library, jQuery can't assume that the display element wasn't set inline, so it has to manually keep track of it. That is the main slowness you can avoid since you know you won't be setting the display inline."
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The Lisp Curse
The Lisp Curse: "Lisp is so powerful that problems which are technical issues in other programming languages are social issues in Lisp.
Consider the case of Scheme, again. Since making Scheme object-oriented is so easy, many Scheme hackers have done so. More to the point, many individual Scheme hackers have done so. "
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Consider the case of Scheme, again. Since making Scheme object-oriented is so easy, many Scheme hackers have done so. More to the point, many individual Scheme hackers have done so. "
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Jquery Mobile Splitview
Jquery Mobile Splitview: "We first started to look into jQuery Mobile when had a project that needed us to build web applications that would work great on all platforms: Desktop, Tablets(iPad), and Mobile
Although jQuery Mobile was still in alpha 1 at that time, we felt that it provided the most in terms of what we needed. so we set ahead trying to see if we could help others who had the same interest as we did: get it to work well on the Desktop/iPad - as a SplitView
A few months later, around alpha 3, we finally got our first splitview to work, and thanks to support from jQuery Mobile's own core team members, Splitview for jQMobile is what it is today
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Although jQuery Mobile was still in alpha 1 at that time, we felt that it provided the most in terms of what we needed. so we set ahead trying to see if we could help others who had the same interest as we did: get it to work well on the Desktop/iPad - as a SplitView
A few months later, around alpha 3, we finally got our first splitview to work, and thanks to support from jQuery Mobile's own core team members, Splitview for jQMobile is what it is today
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Sunday, April 08, 2012
Saturday, April 07, 2012
Thursday, April 05, 2012
Building a scalable real-time search architecture with Sphinx | Stunf
Building a scalable real-time search architecture with Sphinx | Stunf: "
People store a lot of documents and other business knowledge on Papyrs and so we wanted to add search functionality so people could get to their documents more quickly. Here we’re going to give the technical explanation of how we got it all to work.
Much to our surprise we couldn’t find any package out there that met our (pretty basic) criteria. We were looking for:
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People store a lot of documents and other business knowledge on Papyrs and so we wanted to add search functionality so people could get to their documents more quickly. Here we’re going to give the technical explanation of how we got it all to work.
Much to our surprise we couldn’t find any package out there that met our (pretty basic) criteria. We were looking for:
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High Scalability - High Scalability - Big Data Counting: How to count a billion distinct objects using only 1.5KB of Memory
High Scalability - High Scalability - Big Data Counting: How to count a billion distinct objects using only 1.5KB of Memory: "Linear Probabilistic Counter
The Linear Probabilistic Counter is space efficient and allows the implementer to specify the desired level of accuracy. This algorithm is useful when space efficiency is important but you need to be able to control the error in your results. This algorithm works in a two-step process. The first step assigns a bitmap in memory initialized to all zeros. A hash function is then applied to the each entry in the input data. The result of the hash function maps the entry to a bit in the bitmap, and that bit is set to 1. The second step the algorithm counts the number of empty bits and uses that number as input to the following equation to get the estimate."
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The Linear Probabilistic Counter is space efficient and allows the implementer to specify the desired level of accuracy. This algorithm is useful when space efficiency is important but you need to be able to control the error in your results. This algorithm works in a two-step process. The first step assigns a bitmap in memory initialized to all zeros. A hash function is then applied to the each entry in the input data. The result of the hash function maps the entry to a bit in the bitmap, and that bit is set to 1. The second step the algorithm counts the number of empty bits and uses that number as input to the following equation to get the estimate."
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rwldrn/idiomatic.js: "All code in any code-base should look like a single person typed it, no matter how many people contributed.
The following list outlines the practices that I use in all code that I am the original author of; contributions to projects that I have created should follow these guidelines.
I do not intend to impose my style preferences on other people's code; if they have an existing common style - this should be respected.
"Part of being a good steward to a successful project is realizing that writing code for yourself is a Bad Idea™. If thousands of people are using your code, then write your code for maximum clarity, not your personal preference of how to get clever within the spec." - Idan Gazit"
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The following list outlines the practices that I use in all code that I am the original author of; contributions to projects that I have created should follow these guidelines.
I do not intend to impose my style preferences on other people's code; if they have an existing common style - this should be respected.
"Part of being a good steward to a successful project is realizing that writing code for yourself is a Bad Idea™. If thousands of people are using your code, then write your code for maximum clarity, not your personal preference of how to get clever within the spec." - Idan Gazit"
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Dropbox - Developers - Simplify your life
Dropbox - Developers - Simplify your life: "Dropbox for Developers
Harness the power of Dropbox to connect your app to almost any computer, smartphone or tablet, plus the web.
Easy online storage for your mobile or web app and a growing audience of more than 50 million users
True cross-platform support for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and the web
Simple sharing for files and folders, file versioning, search and more
SDKs for iOS, Android, Python, Ruby, and Java"
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Harness the power of Dropbox to connect your app to almost any computer, smartphone or tablet, plus the web.
Easy online storage for your mobile or web app and a growing audience of more than 50 million users
True cross-platform support for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and the web
Simple sharing for files and folders, file versioning, search and more
SDKs for iOS, Android, Python, Ruby, and Java"
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The Top 10 Best Dropbox Services, Addons and Hacks - TNW Apps
The Top 10 Best Dropbox Services, Addons and Hacks - TNW Apps: "You can download eBooks to your iDevices using the terrible iTunes file transfer but you can also access them directly from your Dropbox. Just find an eBook that you would like to read in the ePub format and save the book to your Dropbox folder. Then open the Dropbox app on your iPhone, find the book and tap on the Share button in the bottom corner. Use the ‘Open in’ option to open the book in your preferred reader. For a great selection of free ebooks in the ePub format check out Epubbooks."
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MIThril photos
MIThril photos: "Limor wearing the first MIThril vest. This demo vest displays the MIThril components and placement on the body. The "working" MIThril vest packaging will conceal the components, as shown in the MIThril title image."

plymouth - Plymouth graphical boot system.
plymouth - Plymouth graphical boot system.: "plymouth - graphical boot animation and logger
Plymouth is an application that runs very early in the boot process
(even before the root filesystem is mounted!) that provides a graphical
boot animation while the boot process happens in the background.
It is designed to work on systems with DRM modesetting drivers. The idea
is that early on in the boot process the native mode for the computer is
set, plymouth uses that mode, and that mode stays throughout the entire
boot process up to and after X starts. Ideally, the goal is to get rid
of all flicker during startup."
'via Blog this'
Plymouth is an application that runs very early in the boot process
(even before the root filesystem is mounted!) that provides a graphical
boot animation while the boot process happens in the background.
It is designed to work on systems with DRM modesetting drivers. The idea
is that early on in the boot process the native mode for the computer is
set, plymouth uses that mode, and that mode stays throughout the entire
boot process up to and after X starts. Ideally, the goal is to get rid
of all flicker during startup."
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Rails isn't for beginners - Rake Routes
Rails isn't for beginners - Rake Routes: "With Rails, you get decisions made for every one of those questions. That’s what it’s for. Rails wasn’t created to make things so easy even an absolute beginner could code it. It was created to make lots of decisions out of the box so you could get to the fun part of building web applications right away. That’s the meaning of “convention over configuration”. Even better, none of the conventions are set in stone."
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Embedded in Academia : 57 Small Programs that Crash Compilers
Embedded in Academia : 57 Small Programs that Crash Compilers: "C17 : Crashes GCC 3.2.0 at -O2:
union U1 {
int f0;
char f1
fn1 (union U1 p1) {
p1.f1 = 0;
for (; p1.f1;) {
'via Blog this'
union U1 {
int f0;
char f1
fn1 (union U1 p1) {
p1.f1 = 0;
for (; p1.f1;) {
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google-styleguide - Style guides for Google-originated open-source projects - Google Project Hosting
google-styleguide - Style guides for Google-originated open-source projects - Google Project Hosting: "Every major open-source project has its own style guide: a set of conventions (sometimes arbitrary) about how to write code for that project. It is much easier to understand a large codebase when all the code in it is in a consistent style.
“Style” covers a lot of ground, from “use camelCase for variable names” to “never use global variables” to “never use exceptions.” This project holds the style guidelines we use for Google code. If you are modifying a project that originated at Google, you may be pointed to this page to see the style guides that apply to that project."
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“Style” covers a lot of ground, from “use camelCase for variable names” to “never use global variables” to “never use exceptions.” This project holds the style guidelines we use for Google code. If you are modifying a project that originated at Google, you may be pointed to this page to see the style guides that apply to that project."
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How Not To Sort By Average Rating
How Not To Sort By Average Rating: "CORRECT SOLUTION: Score = Lower bound of Wilson score confidence interval for a Bernoulli parameter
Say what: We need to balance the proportion of positive ratings with the uncertainty of a small number of observations. Fortunately, the math for this was worked out in 1927 by Edwin B. Wilson. What we want to ask is: Given the ratings I have, there is a 95% chance that the "real" fraction of positive ratings is at least what? Wilson gives the answer. Considering only positive and negative ratings (i.e. not a 5-star scale), the lower bound on the proportion of positive ratings is given by:"
'via Blog this'
Say what: We need to balance the proportion of positive ratings with the uncertainty of a small number of observations. Fortunately, the math for this was worked out in 1927 by Edwin B. Wilson. What we want to ask is: Given the ratings I have, there is a 95% chance that the "real" fraction of positive ratings is at least what? Wilson gives the answer. Considering only positive and negative ratings (i.e. not a 5-star scale), the lower bound on the proportion of positive ratings is given by:"
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What are the prerequisites for learning Go? - Google Groups
What are the prerequisites for learning Go? - Google Groups: "Go, the language, is definitely simpler than Python, the language. It
is true, though, that you can teach a small subset of Python faster
than you can teach the whole Go language."
'via Blog this'
is true, though, that you can teach a small subset of Python faster
than you can teach the whole Go language."
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Wednesday, April 04, 2012
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Gurevich, M. (2006). Computational Acoustic Modeling of Cetacean
Vocalizations. Stanford University.
Advisor: Jonathan Berger
Committee Members: Chris Chafe, Julius Smith
Examiners: Bill Verplank, Paul DeMarinis, Mark Applebau
Gurevich, M. (2006). Computational Acoustic Modeling of Cetacean
Vocalizations. Stanford University.
Advisor: Jonathan Berger
Committee Members: Chris Chafe, Julius Smith
Examiners: Bill Verplank, Paul DeMarinis, Mark Applebau
Computer synthesis of bird songs and calls | Sound and Music Computing
Computer synthesis of bird songs and calls | Sound and Music Computing: "Home » Biblio
Computer synthesis of bird songs and calls
Submitted by admin on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 17:58
Publication Type:
Conference Paper
Kahrs, M.; Avanzini, F.
Limerick, Ireland, p.23-27 (2001)
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Computer synthesis of bird songs and calls
Submitted by admin on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 17:58
Publication Type:
Conference Paper
Kahrs, M.; Avanzini, F.
Limerick, Ireland, p.23-27 (2001)
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Computer synthesis of bird songs and calls | Sound and Music Computing
Computer synthesis of bird songs and calls | Sound and Music Computing: "Home » Biblio
Computer synthesis of bird songs and calls
Submitted by admin on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 17:58
Publication Type:
Conference Paper
Kahrs, M.; Avanzini, F.
Limerick, Ireland, p.23-27 (2001)
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Computer synthesis of bird songs and calls
Submitted by admin on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 17:58
Publication Type:
Conference Paper
Kahrs, M.; Avanzini, F.
Limerick, Ireland, p.23-27 (2001)
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The LUCS-KDD Implementation of the FP-growth algorithm
The LUCS-KDD Implementation of the FP-growth algorithm: "A popular "preprocessing" tree structure is the FP-tree proposed by Han et al. (2000). The FP-tree stores a single item (attribute) at each node, and includes additional links to facilitate processing. These links start from a header table and link together all nodes in the FP-tree which store the same "label", i.e. item.
To illustrate the method, considering the simple data set:"
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To illustrate the method, considering the simple data set:"
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Exclusive First Look, Word and Trailer for the Short Film Tasha | Horror Movie, DVD, & Book Reviews, News, Interviews at Dread Central
Exclusive First Look, Word and Trailer for the Short Film Tasha | Horror Movie, DVD, & Book Reviews, News, Interviews at Dread Central: "Filmmaker Spencer Estabrooks provided us with an exclusive first look at the trailer for his upcoming zombie short film Tasha, which is set for its world premiere at The Calgary Underground Film Festival on April 18. Read on for a look!
Starring Braliegh James and Jonathan Moxness, Tasha centers around James who portrays the titular character, described as an, ‘ass-kicking, wise-cracking zombie hunter,’ according to the flick’s PR. Filmed last fall in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Tasha was written by Greg Jaffs and is based on the graphic novel he created with RP Broad, with special effect duties handled by Rocket Punch Studios and visual effects overseen by Solid Green. Karen Pickles produced with financial participation from Bravo!FACT and the Alberta Multimedia Development Fund.
Estabrooks’ previous short, the zombie/western Dead Walkers played Screamfest in 2009 to good notices. His latest Tasha serves as a bit of a teaser to a television series rooted in the latter world which the filmmakers are currently developing."
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Starring Braliegh James and Jonathan Moxness, Tasha centers around James who portrays the titular character, described as an, ‘ass-kicking, wise-cracking zombie hunter,’ according to the flick’s PR. Filmed last fall in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Tasha was written by Greg Jaffs and is based on the graphic novel he created with RP Broad, with special effect duties handled by Rocket Punch Studios and visual effects overseen by Solid Green. Karen Pickles produced with financial participation from Bravo!FACT and the Alberta Multimedia Development Fund.
Estabrooks’ previous short, the zombie/western Dead Walkers played Screamfest in 2009 to good notices. His latest Tasha serves as a bit of a teaser to a television series rooted in the latter world which the filmmakers are currently developing."
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Tuesday, April 03, 2012
jQuery Mobile w/ Backbone.js JQM initializePage() function not working as expected - Stack Overflow
jQuery Mobile w/ Backbone.js JQM initializePage() function not working as expected - Stack Overflow: "$(this.el).attr({
'data-role': 'page',
'id': "note_" +
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'data-role': 'page',
'id': "note_" +
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Howto solve Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala apt-get not updating error « Syed Jahanzaib Personnel Blog to Share Knowledge !
Howto solve Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala apt-get not updating error « Syed Jahanzaib Personnel Blog to Share Knowledge !: "If you are still using UBUNTU 9.10 [Karmic Koala], which is not supported anymore, It will refuse to Update / install any new app using apt-get, you can still use it by adding following repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list
Remove all older lines and add the following lines in /etc/apt/sources.list"
'via Blog this'
Remove all older lines and add the following lines in /etc/apt/sources.list"
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NTFS-3G for Mac OS X: Tuxera NTFS for Mac 2010.12-RC
NTFS-3G for Mac OS X: Tuxera NTFS for Mac 2010.12-RC: "Tuxera NTFS for Mac 2010.12-RC
The latest release candidate of Tuxera NTFS for Mac, our high performance commercial NTFS driver is now out!
Download Tuxera NTFS for Mac 2010.12-RC"
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The latest release candidate of Tuxera NTFS for Mac, our high performance commercial NTFS driver is now out!
Download Tuxera NTFS for Mac 2010.12-RC"
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indyarmy/color2color: "The color2color function simply converts Hex/RGB/RGBA/HSL/HSLA/HSV color strings to Hex/RGB/RGBA/HSL/HSLA/HSV color strings."
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Tutorial: Developing HTML5 Canvas Games for Facebook with JavaScript – Part 1 » The Log Book of Manuel Kiessling
Tutorial: Developing HTML5 Canvas Games for Facebook with JavaScript – Part 1 » The Log Book of Manuel Kiessling: "I never did game development before, and for me, the two major takeaways from this experience are a) JavaScript/Canvas game development is much more simpler than you think, and b) Facebook integration actually is a lot of fun."
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Extending JavaScript – The Right Way | Websanova
Extending JavaScript – The Right Way | Websanova: "However, this was wreaking havoc on a plugin I had written that happened to be iterating through each character in a string. By simply changing the enumerable property to false we can avoid this problem which can be done by using the defineProperty method like so:
Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, 'capitalize',
value: function()
return this.slice(0,1).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1).toLowerCase();
enumerable: false
'via Blog this'
Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, 'capitalize',
value: function()
return this.slice(0,1).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1).toLowerCase();
enumerable: false
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Monday, April 02, 2012
jquery delay() doesn't delay attr() in the queue - Stack Overflow
jquery delay() doesn't delay attr() in the queue - Stack Overflow: "To have the .attr() call affected, you have to add it as a callback to that same queue using .queue(), like this:
.queue(function(next) { $(this).attr('class','myClass'); next(); })
.fadeIn(500); "
'via Blog this'
.queue(function(next) { $(this).attr('class','myClass'); next(); })
.fadeIn(500); "
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University of Victoria - Biology - Our People - Faculty
University of Victoria - Biology - Our People - Faculty: "My research focuses on the ecology and conservation of marine populations and ecosystems. Using statistical analyses of large observational data sets, field observations, samples and experiments, I investigate how anthropogenic disturbances are altering marine populations, and what the broader consequences of these changes are for marine community structure, diversity, and ecosystem function. To address these questions, my research incorporates principles from life history theory, population dynamics, community ecology, fisheries science, statistics, and conservation biology. My current research program focuses on remote Pacific coral reefs, on north temperate marine ecosystems, and at the global scale. I encourage you to check out my main website and email me if you are interested in joining my lab."
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UVic SEOS - Ross Chapman
UVic SEOS - Ross Chapman: "Dr. Chapman's research interests are in seismo-acoustic propagation, with specific application to the study of marine gas hydrates, and development and application of acoustic inverse methods for estimation of geophysical properties of the ocean bottom and for source localization.
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welcome to the Baum Research Group
welcome to the Baum Research Group: "Ph.D. Dalhousie University, 2007
M.Sc. Dalhousie University, 2002
B.Sc. McGill University, 1999"
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M.Sc. Dalhousie University, 2002
B.Sc. McGill University, 1999"
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Reimchen lab homepage
Reimchen lab homepage: "Evolutionary and Ecological Studies
in Reimchen's Lab
Dr. T. E. Reimchen
Department of Biology
PO Box 3020
University of Victoria
Victoria, BC V8W 3N5
'via Blog this'
in Reimchen's Lab
Dr. T. E. Reimchen
Department of Biology
PO Box 3020
University of Victoria
Victoria, BC V8W 3N5
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Bilson Jake Libres Campana
Bilson Jake Libres Campana: "
Best Student Paper SDM 2010
The Paper.
Bilson J. L. Campana and Eamonn J. Keogh. A Compression Based Distance Measure for Texture. In SIAM International Conference on Data Mining 2010. Journal Version, SDM Pdf, PPT Presentation"
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Best Student Paper SDM 2010
The Paper.
Bilson J. L. Campana and Eamonn J. Keogh. A Compression Based Distance Measure for Texture. In SIAM International Conference on Data Mining 2010. Journal Version, SDM Pdf, PPT Presentation"
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Monitoring and Mining Animal Sounds in Visual Space
Monitoring and Mining Animal Sounds in Visual Space: "Welcome to Animal Sound Analysis Page
(Experiments, Datasets, Sourcecode, and more.)
Here is the color version of our paper
Project Overview
This project is aim to monitor animals by the sounds they produce and build animal sound recognition/classification framework
Supplementary Materials
Sound Fingerprint Discovery
Insect Classification
Monitoring Animal Sounds with Sound Fingerprints"
(Experiments, Datasets, Sourcecode, and more.)
Here is the color version of our paper
Project Overview
This project is aim to monitor animals by the sounds they produce and build animal sound recognition/classification framework
Supplementary Materials
Sound Fingerprint Discovery
Insect Classification
Monitoring Animal Sounds with Sound Fingerprints"

What is the meaning of this? » Yahoo! User Interface Blog (YUIBlog)
What is the meaning of this? » Yahoo! User Interface Blog (YUIBlog): "JavaScript is an amalgam of good parts and bad parts. Its best parts came from Self (prototypes) and Scheme (lexically scoped nested functions). But the interaction of those two very good parts produced some bad parts."
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#AltDevBlogADay » Extravagant Cheating via Direct X
#AltDevBlogADay » Extravagant Cheating via Direct X: "However in special cases you can do something clever. If the render call is for an enemy player then you can determine its screen position. In many cases that player may be behind world geometry and will either fail z-buffer checks or be covered by subsequent draw calls. Too late, the enemy screen location is known. At the end of the frame you can create a new draw call to DirectX to draw a box around that screen location. Boom, that’s a wallhack.
This type of wallhack is rampant. Even for the most popular of games. Here’s what it looks like for Battlefield 3."
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This type of wallhack is rampant. Even for the most popular of games. Here’s what it looks like for Battlefield 3."
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