Wednesday, February 16, 2011
What is the science behind how and why the xylophone works.? - Yahoo! Answers
What is the science behind how and why the xylophone works.? - Yahoo! Answers: "The shape and suspension of the sounding bars are important, as are the dimensions of the resonators, if used. The bars are on soft supports about 1/4 to 1/5 of the way from each end. These locations are the nodes (points where no translational motion occurs) of the fundamental vibration mode of the bar. Professional xylophones use undercut bars which tailor the higher harmonics to a pleasing relationship with the fundamental. The first harmonic is an octave plus a fifth above (3 times the frequency of) the fundamental. The resonator is typically a closed tube with the closed (bottom) end located 1/4 wavelength below the sounding bar. (See ref.)"