Pulse audio sucks. I just installed Fedora 10 and it was totally not working with either MPlayer or Marsyas, so I just took out all of the pulse audio nonsense:
rpm -e pulseaudio-libs pulseaudio-libs-glib2 pulseaudio-module-gconf pulseaudio-utils pulseaudio-module-x11 pulseaudio-core-libs pulseaudio-esound-compat pavucontrol libcanberra xine-lib-pulseaudio gstreamer-plugins-good gnome-settings-daemon alsa-plugins-pulseaudio gdm control-center gnome-applets totem-gstreamer libcanberra-gtk2 pulseaudio gnome-session orca totem gdm-user-switch-applet compiz-gnome plymouth-gdm-hooks totem-nautilus gnome-session-xsession totem-xine totem-mozplugin gnome-panel
Come on Fedora guys, get with the program and get some audio that actually works.