Thursday, November 29, 2007


Everyone would probably agree that feelings of appreciation and gratitude are positive states, but did you know that they also have a profound effect on your physical body? Both of these states, as well as those of compassion, forgiveness, happiness, non-judgment, patience, sincerity and caring are all heart-centered feelings, which immediately affect your heart rhythm. The heartbeat becomes more synchronized and coherent, which improves hormonal balance and immune system response.
The heart has its own independent nervous system, referred to as ?the brain in the heart,? say Doc Childre and Howard M artin in their book, The Heart Math Solution. There are at least forty thousand neurons in the heart-as many as are found in various sub-cortical centers of the brain. Childre and Martin go on to say that, the heart's electromagnetic field is by far the most powerful produced by the body; it's approximately five thousand times greater in strength that the field produced by the brain. The heart's field not only permeates every cell in the body, but also radiates outside of us; it can be measured up to eight to ten feet away with sensitive detectors called magnetometers.
(Scott Beebe) -