Marionette-Require-Boilerplate for Your Single Page Application: "Marionette-Require-Boilerplate (MRB) is a simple boilerplate I created to help get Single Page Applications off the ground with a small starter project. It incorporates a number of great tools and best practices to save time in the early stages of a project."
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Friday, May 31, 2013
Storing time series statistics in Redis
Storing time series statistics in Redis: "After looking at various solutions including using Sorted Sets we decided we could get the best performance/space setup by breaking storing each API hit in a range of hashmaps representing different granularities of time (e.g. minutes, seconds…). Each hashmap would hold a suitable number of values to provide useful data at that granularity."
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Tests Are Your Best Friends: Do Not Neglect Them - victor arias
Tests Are Your Best Friends: Do Not Neglect Them - victor arias: "production code without automated tests isn’t a professional one"
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Thursday, May 30, 2013
Get Another Label? Improving Data Quality and Machine Learning Using Multiple, Noisy Labelers | NYU-Poly
Get Another Label? Improving Data Quality and Machine Learning Using Multiple, Noisy Labelers | NYU-Poly: "With the increasing popularity of micro-outsourcing systems, such as Amazon's Mechanical Turk, it often is possible to obtain less-than-expert labeling at low cost. We examine the improvement (or lack thereof) in data quality via repeated labeling, and focus especially on the improvement of training labels for supervised induction. "
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Startup Engineering | Coursera
Startup Engineering | Coursera: "Spiritual sequel to Peter Thiel's CS183 course on startups. Bridges the gap between academic computer science and production software engineering."
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Getting Started With the Track Element - HTML5 Rocks
Getting Started With the Track Element - HTML5 Rocks: "Each item in a track file is called a cue. Each cue has a start time and end time separated by an arrow, with cue text in the line below. Cues can optionally also have IDs: 'railroad' and 'manuscript' in the examples above. Cues are separated by an empty line."
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Falsehoods programmers believe about addresses
Falsehoods programmers believe about addresses: "Update:Matthieu Valleton got in touch to point out his address on Kerguelen Island (Google Map), a French territory in the Indian Ocean, his address was District de Kerguelen (island), Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises (territory), via la Réunion (indicates where the mail should be routed through), France (country)"
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React | A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
React | A JavaScript library for building user interfaces: "DECLARATIVE
React uses a declarative paradigm that makes it easier to reason about your application.
React minimizes interactions with the DOM by using a mock representation of the DOM.
React works with the libraries and frameworks that you already know.
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React uses a declarative paradigm that makes it easier to reason about your application.
React minimizes interactions with the DOM by using a mock representation of the DOM.
React works with the libraries and frameworks that you already know.
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Wednesday, May 29, 2013
D3 Tutorial: Making a bar chart — Scott Murray — alignedleft
D3 Tutorial: Making a bar chart — Scott Murray — alignedleft: "Fantasti-code! If you are not typographically obsessive, then you’re all done. If, however, you are like me, you’ll notice that the value labels aren’t perfectly aligned within their bars. That’s easy enough to fix. Let’s use the SVG text-anchor attribute to center the text horizontally at the assigned x value:"
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Bar Chart
Bar Chart: "This simple bar chart is constructed from a TSV file storing the frequency of letters in the English language. The chart employs conventional margins and a number of D3 features:"
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ArunRocks - Building a Hacker News clone in Django - Part 1
ArunRocks - Building a Hacker News clone in Django - Part 1: "In this video tutorial series, I would take you through building a social news site called “Steel Rumors” from scratch in Django 1.5. In case you don’t like videos and prefer to read the steps, you can find them here too."
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A comparison of various JS frameworks using cold hard data
A comparison of various JS frameworks using cold hard data: "Backbone is clearly reaching some sort of maturity, with few issues left open on Github, commit activity subsiding and some sort of stability being reached. It doesn't have the high number of core contributors of other projects but there are plenty of people willing to fix bugs still. The support rate on StackOverflow is about the same as the other projects and while it might be the most popular project on Github it doesn't have that many questions considering that huge size."
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Miserable & Magical: A Graduation Speech for Paradoxical Times, by Nipun Mehta
Miserable & Magical: A Graduation Speech for Paradoxical Times, by Nipun Mehta: "“happy, free, confused, and lonely, miserable and magical at the same time.” "
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Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Time zones | Django documentation | Django
Time zones | Django documentation | Django: "When time zone support is enabled, Django uses time-zone-aware datetime objects. If your code creates datetime objects, they should be aware too. In this mode, the example above becomes:
import datetime
from django.utils.timezone import utc
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc)"
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import datetime
from django.utils.timezone import utc
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc)"
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MIT's Open Relativity to Pave Way for More Trippy Games - Truth Is Cool
MIT's Open Relativity to Pave Way for More Trippy Games - Truth Is Cool: "MIT's Game Lab releases an open source engine for building games and simulations that accurately capture the paradoxical effects of special relativity."
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Haxe 3.0 has been released! - Google Groups
Haxe 3.0 has been released! - Google Groups: "on behalf of the Haxe Foundation, I am proud to announce that Haxe 3.0 is now officially released! Nicolas Cannasse announced it during his speech at the Worldwide Haxe Conference in Paris earlier today. You can get it here:"
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Accumulated lots of data - deleting is is too expensive - Google Groups
Accumulated lots of data - deleting is is too expensive - Google Groups: "The mismatch, mentally is that these entities, all 18M, take up near a 1/2 terabyte of storage, which itself costs less than $100 nowadays. It's hard for me to understand paying $3600 to delete them all, and even though its an expensive lesson I'll not repeat in the future (letting entities accumulate), I don't think it should be this expensive in general to delete data."
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Cytoscape.js: "Cytoscape.js is an open-source graph library written in JavaScript. You can use Cytoscape.js for graph analysis and visualisation."
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Data URIs make CSS sprites obsolete | NCZOnline
Data URIs make CSS sprites obsolete | NCZOnline: "Before getting into how data URIs make CSS sprites obsolete, it helps to examine the problem that CSS sprites solved. The problem is that HTTP requests are a major performance bottleneck for web pages. The more requests you have, the longer it takes your page to load and the slower it is, so every little image you load onto a page fights against you in your quest for page speed."
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The true power of regular expressions
The true power of regular expressions: "In order to analyze what regular expressions can and cannot match, we first have to look at what other types of languages there are. A good starting point for this is the Chomsky hierarchy:"
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The Battle of Modern Javascript Frameworks – Part I | SoftFinity -
The Battle of Modern Javascript Frameworks – Part I | SoftFinity -: "Welcome to the Javascript Framework revolution. Since the release of JQuery in 2006, client-side javascript has entered a renaissance, and many developers have decided to shift much of the functionality of there applications to the client side, while using the server primarily to send and recieve data. "
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UFLDL Tutorial - Ufldl
UFLDL Tutorial - Ufldl: "Description: This tutorial will teach you the main ideas of Unsupervised Feature Learning and Deep Learning. By working through it, you will also get to implement several feature learning/deep learning algorithms, get to see them work for yourself, and learn how to apply/adapt these ideas to new problems."
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Monday, May 27, 2013
algorithm - What does O(log n) mean exactly? - Stack Overflow
algorithm - What does O(log n) mean exactly? - Stack Overflow: "This is why, for example, looking up people in a phone book is O(log n). You don't need to check every person in the phone book to find the right one; instead, you can simply divide-and-conquer, and you only need to explore a tiny fraction of the entire space before you eventually find someone's phone number."
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Four Steps to Google, Without a Degree — This Happened to Me — Medium
Four Steps to Google, Without a Degree — This Happened to Me — Medium: "I coded 12-14 hours a day and solved hundreds of problems. I was literally obsessed and wouldn’t stop until my fear of the Google interview turned into confidence and excitement.
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Saturday, May 25, 2013
NAP :: University of Southampton
NAP :: University of Southampton: "The half-wave rectification makes the response to the BMM uni-polar like the response of the hair cell, while keeping it phase-locked to the peaks in the wave. Experiments on pitch perception indicate that the fine structure is required to predict the pitch shift of the residue (Yost, Patterson, & Sheft, 1998). Other rectification algorithms like squaring, full-wave rectification and the Hilbert transform only preserve the envelope."
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Summary statistics in auditory perception : Nature Neuroscience : Nature Publishing Group
Summary statistics in auditory perception : Nature Neuroscience : Nature Publishing Group: "Sensory signals are transduced at high resolution, but their structure must be stored in a more compact format. Here we provide evidence that the auditory system summarizes the temporal details of sounds using time-averaged statistics. We measured discrimination of 'sound textures' that were characterized by particular statistical properties, as normally result from the superposition of many acoustic features in auditory scenes. When listeners discriminated examples of different textures, performance improved with excerpt duration. In contrast, when listeners discriminated different examples of the same texture, performance declined with duration, a paradoxical result given that the information available for discrimination grows with duration. These results indicate that once these sounds are of moderate length, the brain's representation is limited to time-averaged statistics, which, for different examples of the same texture, converge to the same values with increasing duration. Such statistical representations produce good categorical discrimination, but limit the ability to discern temporal detail."
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how to store a image into redis using python / PIL - Stack Overflow
how to store a image into redis using python / PIL - Stack Overflow: "import Image
import redis
import StringIO
output = StringIO.StringIO()
im ="/home/cwgem/Pictures/portrait.png"), format=im.format)
r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost')
r.set('imagedata', output.getvalue())
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import redis
import StringIO
output = StringIO.StringIO()
im ="/home/cwgem/Pictures/portrait.png"), format=im.format)
r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost')
r.set('imagedata', output.getvalue())
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Friday, May 24, 2013
JJA | Praat's Pitch Algorithm
JJA | Praat's Pitch Algorithm: "The autocorrelation is highest at a time lag of 0, so we need to look for peaks that are greater than 0 for significant periodicity. However, in this case, since we are working with a complex sound wave with a loud harmonic, the autocorrelation curve shows a false peak (red line) before the time lag that we know is the sound's actual fundamental frequency (green line), which is alligned with a lower peak."
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codelike: "If you create or maintain an open source project and want to make it big: Generate buzz!"
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Why you should write Makefiles
Why you should write Makefiles: "Your build process usually can be described in terms of sequences of commands with some dependencies between. make captures this naturally as a set of build targets (with dependencies) and associated snippets of shell script (usually sh):"
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Doom3 BFG Source Code Review: Introduction
Doom3 BFG Source Code Review: Introduction: "No exceptions.
No References (use pointers).
Minimal usage of templates.
Const everywhere.
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No References (use pointers).
Minimal usage of templates.
Const everywhere.
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Thursday, May 23, 2013
A Gaga Musical review: Beautifully staged tale of Lady Gaga | On Stage | Arts | National Post
A Gaga Musical review: Beautifully staged tale of Lady Gaga | On Stage | Arts | National Post: ") She’s played here by a performer with the wonderfully appropriate name of Kimberly Persona, who functions beautifully as a walking Rorschach test."
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Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Inside Google's Secret Lab - Businessweek
Inside Google's Secret Lab - Businessweek: ", “The world is not limited by IQ. We are all limited by bravery and creativity.”"
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Inside Google's Secret Lab - Businessweek
Inside Google's Secret Lab - Businessweek: "Thrun had grown disenchanted with the pace of academia, where professors are motivated to publish papers rather than build products. "
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Doctoral degrees: The disposable academic | The Economist
Doctoral degrees: The disposable academic | The Economist: "Some describe their work as “slave labour”. "
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Burners, nerds and folks in between unite at Maker Faire | The Technology Chronicles | an blog
Burners, nerds and folks in between unite at Maker Faire | The Technology Chronicles | an blog: ": Get glimpses of the future — stuff like fully-solar powered vehicles, home built motion sensors that activate LEDs and personal drones. While many of these are fun projects, you start to get a sense of what the world will begin to look like — small computers everywhere. "
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Dart Is Not the Language You Think It Is - Programming
Dart Is Not the Language You Think It Is - Programming: "When Dart was originally launched, many developers mistook it for some sort of Java clone. In truth, Dart is inspired by a range of languages such as Smalltalk, Strongtalk, Erlang, C#, and JavaScript. Get past the semicolons and curly braces, and you’ll see a terse language without ceremony. Dart has evolved into its own, and here are some of my favorite language features."
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Science Diction: Scientist
Science Diction: Scientist: "Eventually, Whewell suggested that "by analogy with artist, they might form scientist""
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Tuesday, May 21, 2013
ULB Bonn ::: Dissertation - Rolf Bardeli: Algorithmic Analysis of Complex Audio Scenes, 2008
ULB Bonn ::: Dissertation - Rolf Bardeli: Algorithmic Analysis of Complex Audio Scenes, 2008: "In this thesis, we examine the problem-of algorithmic analysis of complex audio scenes with a special emphasis on natural audio scenes. One of the driving goals behind this work is to develop tools for monitoring the presence of animals in areas of interest based on Their vocalisations. This task, Which Often an occurs in the evaluation of nature conservation measures, leads to a number of subproblems to audio scene analysis.
In order to develop and evaluate pattern recognition algorithms for animal sounds, a representative collection of sounds tested"
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In order to develop and evaluate pattern recognition algorithms for animal sounds, a representative collection of sounds tested"
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Monday, May 20, 2013
Yitang Zhang Proves 'Landmark' Theorem in Distribution of Prime Numbers | Simons Foundation
Yitang Zhang Proves 'Landmark' Theorem in Distribution of Prime Numbers | Simons Foundation: "“Basically, no one knows him,” said Andrew Granville, a number theorist at the Université de Montréal. “Now, suddenly, he has proved one of the great results in the history of number theory.”"
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Sunday, May 19, 2013
Friday, May 17, 2013
FFT's are fast DFT Algorithms.
FFT's are fast DFT Algorithms.: "For example, the popular 'Radix 2' algorithms are useful if N is a regular power of 2 (N=2p). These algorithms have complexity of only O(N.logN). If we (naively) assume that algorithmic complexity provides a direct measure of execution time (and that the relevant logarithm base is 2) then the ratio of execution times for the (DFT) vs. (Radix 2 FFT) can be expressed:"
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fynyky/reactor.js · GitHub
fynyky/reactor.js · GitHub: "Reactor is based on the same reactive principles as Bacon.js and Knockout.js. The main difference is that Reactor is trying to be lightweight and keep the additional syntax and complexity to a minimum. Reactor sets dependencies for you automatically so there is no need to manually set subscriptions/listeners."
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JavaScript Regular Expression Enlightenment - Tech.Pro
JavaScript Regular Expression Enlightenment - Tech.Pro: "It wasn't until I re-adjusted my thoughts on the nature of regular expressions that my fear of them turned into pleasure. This happened when I started thinking about regular expressions as an actual language itself, instead of a value contained within a language. I know it is not technically a language, but studying it like a programming language might just help a developer get over the steep learning curve. "
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Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "In statistics, the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (sometimes referred to as the PPMCC or PCC,[1] or Pearson's r) is a measure of the linear correlation (dependence) between two variables X and Y, giving a value between +1 and −1 inclusive. It is widely used in the sciences as a measure of the strength of linear dependence between two variables. It was developed by Karl Pearson from a related idea introduced by Francis Galton in the 1880s.[2][3]"
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Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Monday, May 13, 2013
Trend: a general-purpose, efficient trend graph
Trend: a general-purpose, efficient trend graph: "trend is a general-purpose, efficient trend graph for "live" data. Data is read in ASCII form from a file or continuously from a FIFO and displayed in real-time into a multi-pass trend (much like a CRT oscilloscope). trend can be used as a rapid analysis tool for progressive or time-based data series together with trivial scripting."

Sinewave and Sinusoid+Noise Analysis/Synthesis in Matlab
Sinewave and Sinusoid+Noise Analysis/Synthesis in Matlab: "In practice, it gets a little complicated for a couple of reasons. Firstly, picking peaks is sometimes difficult: if there's a very slight local maximum on the 'shoulder' of a bigger peak, does that count or not? Also, the resolution of the STFT is typically not all that good (perhaps 128 bins spanning 4 kHz, or about 30 Hz), so you need to interpolate the maximum in both frequency and magnitude. However, this basically works."
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Async Celery by Example: Why and How · Zapier
Async Celery by Example: Why and How · Zapier: "Alright, let's imagine for some insane reason you want to combine waiting for requests with the power of async Celery! You mad scientist you!
Let's say we have a task like so for retrieving URLs from slow servers. For the sake of argument they take about 10 seconds each. It's simple:
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Let's say we have a task like so for retrieving URLs from slow servers. For the sake of argument they take about 10 seconds each. It's simple:
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Alex Brandmeyer: Auditory perceptual learning using decoded-EEG neurofeedback | CCRMA
Alex Brandmeyer: Auditory perceptual learning using decoded-EEG neurofeedback | CCRMA: "Auditory perceptual learning is a process in which skills of auditory perception improve through both passive and active exposure to sounds in the environment, and which underlies our abilities to perceive language and music. Individual differences in these perceptual skills can be observed in both our behaviors and in our brains’ automatic responses to sounds (i.e. auditory evoked responses). The results of these experiments suggest that,depending on stimulus features and participant instructions, the presentation of such feedback can lead to the modulation of distinct components of the auditory event-related potential. The ability to selectively modulate brain activity underlying ongoing perception via neurofeedback could eventually lead to a novel type of brain-computer interface for learning paradigms involving both healthy and clinical populations.
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Alex Brandmeyer
Alex Brandmeyer: " Donders Centre for Cognition, working in the Brain Computer Interface (BCI) research group. "
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python - How can I use Ajax to check the status and result of a django-celery task? - Stack Overflow
python - How can I use Ajax to check the status and result of a django-celery task? - Stack Overflow: "To access these URLs, you need to include them from one of your files. For example:
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url('^tasks/', include('djcelery.urls')),
You would then access them using, for example,{{ task_id }}/status/."
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urlpatterns = patterns('',
url('^tasks/', include('djcelery.urls')),
You would then access them using, for example,{{ task_id }}/status/."
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Sunday, May 12, 2013
Interrobang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Interrobang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "he interrobang, also known as the interabang,[1] (pron.: /ɪnˈtɛrəbæŋ/), ‽ (often represented by ?! or !?), is a nonstandard punctuation mark used in various written languages and intended to combine the functions of the question mark (also called the “interrogative point”) and the exclamation mark or exclamation point (known in printers’ and programmers' jargon as the “bang”).[2] The glyph is a superimposition of these two marks."
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Department of Computer Science
Department of Computer Science: "PhD student Steven Ness invites volunteers to take part in a user study on web-based games with orca calls.
This study is to help Steven in a collaboration with OrcaLab, a land-based research station that has been operating for over thirty years and has collected over 20,000 hours of orca vocalizations.
To play the game, please visit:
The participation will take about 30 minutes in which you will play a computer game, and may choose to answer a short survey.
This game is fully HTML5 based, and uses the HTML5 audio interface to play sounds.
Please feel free to forward this to any friends who you think might be interested, Steven and the orcas would really appreciate it!"
This study is to help Steven in a collaboration with OrcaLab, a land-based research station that has been operating for over thirty years and has collected over 20,000 hours of orca vocalizations.
To play the game, please visit:
The participation will take about 30 minutes in which you will play a computer game, and may choose to answer a short survey.
This game is fully HTML5 based, and uses the HTML5 audio interface to play sounds.
Please feel free to forward this to any friends who you think might be interested, Steven and the orcas would really appreciate it!"

Saturday, May 11, 2013
python - Django settings based on IP or hostname - Stack Overflow
python - Django settings based on IP or hostname - Stack Overflow: "import os
if os.environ['ENVIRONMENT'] == 'production':
# Production
# Development"
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if os.environ['ENVIRONMENT'] == 'production':
# Production
# Development"
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NRK vedsending stir - Hordaland
NRK vedsending stir - Hordaland: "Friday night fired Broadcasting Corporation of twelve hours live on the program with the National vedkveld. TV viewers got a four-hour magazine program only dedicated to the, before a burning fire filled the TV screen eight hours through the night - also it directly."
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Friday, May 10, 2013
Venn Diagrams with D3.js
Venn Diagrams with D3.js: "A couple of my goals for this year are to learn both Javascript and D3.js. Its gotten to the point where its embarrassing that I don't know Javascript, and I want to learn D3 since I keep on seeing so many beautiful looking visualizations being made with it. To get started with this, I thought I'd try use D3 to create the simplest possible visualization I could think of - the Venn diagram.
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Dear Google, let’s talk about webapps. | Adventures (in code)
Dear Google, let’s talk about webapps. | Adventures (in code): "An icon (with an easter egg!) that seamlessly blends with the phone interface, a splash screen when you launch it, and no navigation chrome when you’re using it. If you squint a little, you could almost imagine that it was a native app."
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Thursday, May 09, 2013
Learn SQL, dammit! -
Learn SQL, dammit! - "Look at any ORM documentation. Most are littered with indirect references indirect references to SQL. You need to understand how SQL works in order to grasp these references. This begs the question: How much SQL does one need to learn in order to adequately understand the documentation? Think about it, though: it’s absurd that you would even need to learn any SQL at all! The very nature of an ORM is to bypass SQL. But now you have to learn both syntaxes! Adding more time and more work to your plate."
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Wednesday, May 08, 2013
Open Archival Information System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Open Archival Information System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "An Open Archival Information System (or OAIS) is an archive, consisting of an organization of people and systems, that has accepted the responsibility to preserve information and make it available for a Designated Community."
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Quiet Oceans - Technology for Sustainable Oceans - Survey & Broadcast - Statistics & Studies
Quiet Oceans - Technology for Sustainable Oceans - Survey & Broadcast - Statistics & Studies: "Developing human activity at sea opens up new possibilities for the global economy, but increases environmental pressures. However, developing use of the sea in harmony with marine ecosystems is a major challenge."
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Old Weather, Citizen Science | Scientific American
Old Weather, Citizen Science | Scientific American: "Old Weather—part of the Zooniverse network of citizen science projects—seeks to gather and study information from ship's logs as a means of better understanding historical weather patterns worldwide. The goal isn't to prove or disprove global warming but rather to gather information about historical weather variability in an effort to improve the ability to predict weather and climate in the future."
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Additional Publications Related to CNI
Additional Publications Related to CNI: "Reports by CNI:
Institutional Strategies and Platforms for Scholarly Publishing: A report of the CNI Executive Roundtable held at the CNI Fall Membership Meeting, Dec. 10, 2012
Multiple Devices and Platforms: Institutional Strategies: A report of the CNI Executive Roundtable held at the CNI Spring Membership Meeting, April 2, 2012
Risk Management and Disaster Planning: A report of the CNI Executive Roundtable held at the CNI Fall 2011 Membership Meeting, Dec. 12, 2011
“Enhancing Graduate Education: A Fresh Look at Library Engagement,” ARL: A Bimonthly Report on Research Library Issues and Actions, no. 256 (February 2008)
“Libraries and Changing Research Practices: A Report of the ARL/CNI Forum on E-Research and Cyberinfrastructure,” ARL: A Bimonthly Report on Research Library Issues and Actions, no. 237 (December 2004)"
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Institutional Strategies and Platforms for Scholarly Publishing: A report of the CNI Executive Roundtable held at the CNI Fall Membership Meeting, Dec. 10, 2012
Multiple Devices and Platforms: Institutional Strategies: A report of the CNI Executive Roundtable held at the CNI Spring Membership Meeting, April 2, 2012
Risk Management and Disaster Planning: A report of the CNI Executive Roundtable held at the CNI Fall 2011 Membership Meeting, Dec. 12, 2011
“Enhancing Graduate Education: A Fresh Look at Library Engagement,” ARL: A Bimonthly Report on Research Library Issues and Actions, no. 256 (February 2008)
“Libraries and Changing Research Practices: A Report of the ARL/CNI Forum on E-Research and Cyberinfrastructure,” ARL: A Bimonthly Report on Research Library Issues and Actions, no. 237 (December 2004)"
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Gateway to Scientific Data - Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information
Gateway to Scientific Data - Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information: "Click on a category below to see a listing of Canadian scientific, technical and medical (STM) data sets related to that discipline."
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Repositories | DataCite
Repositories | DataCite: "Databib is a tool for helping people identify and locate online repositories of research data. Users and bibliographers create and curate records that describe data repositories that users can search.
This list is a working document. It is provided for information purposes only: DataCite provides no endorsements as to the quality or suitability of the repositories listed. We encourage community participation in developing this resource. Please contact us or DataBib directly to suggest changes or additions. A copy of the list can be downloaded from Google Docs."
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This list is a working document. It is provided for information purposes only: DataCite provides no endorsements as to the quality or suitability of the repositories listed. We encourage community participation in developing this resource. Please contact us or DataBib directly to suggest changes or additions. A copy of the list can be downloaded from Google Docs."
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CODATA, The Committee on Data for Science and Technology
CODATA, The Committee on Data for Science and Technology: "
The mission of CODATA is to strengthen international science for the benefit of society by promoting improved scientific and technical data management and use."
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The mission of CODATA is to strengthen international science for the benefit of society by promoting improved scientific and technical data management and use."
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Tuesday, May 07, 2013
A real number bx is approximated in machine by a rational:
x = (−1)s × m × β
β is the radix
10 in your calculator and (usually) your head
2 in most computers
Some IBM financial mainframes use radix 10, why ?
s ∈ {0,1} is a sign bit
m is the mantissa, a rational number of nm digits in radix β
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Hummingbird Nest Cam, Ustream.TV: [Phoebe Allens T-Shirts] Phoebe is a Channel Island Allen (S.s. sedentarius) hummingbird in Orange County, California. Sh...
Monday, May 06, 2013
Every Noise at Once
Every Noise at Once: "pagan black metalatmospheric black metalblack metalchoralsymphonic black metalviking metalavantgarde metalfolk metalwarm dronepost-metalmelodic death metaldark ambientgrindcorerenaissanceshoegaz"
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How To Install Tiny Tiny RSS In Ubuntu (Google Reader Alternative You Can Use On Your Server) ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog
How To Install Tiny Tiny RSS In Ubuntu (Google Reader Alternative You Can Use On Your Server) ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog: "Since Google will close Google Reader in July, many users are searching for alternatives and there are a ton of services out there, some really good, but I'm sure some of you prefer to use a feed reader you can install on your own server and Tiny Tiny RSS seems to be one of the best.
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Sunday, May 05, 2013
[Help] Serving binary data from redis - Google Groups
[Help] Serving binary data from redis - Google Groups: "This is probably because node_redis defaults to sending back JavaScript Strings for all commands. You can change this behavior at client create time like this:
var client = require("redis").createClient(null, null, { return_buffers: true });
All Redis "bulk" responses on this client will be sent back as Buffers.
The next release of node_redis will also provide a way to select Strings or Buffers on a per-command basis."
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var client = require("redis").createClient(null, null, { return_buffers: true });
All Redis "bulk" responses on this client will be sent back as Buffers.
The next release of node_redis will also provide a way to select Strings or Buffers on a per-command basis."
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Throw Out Your Resume
Throw Out Your Resume: "Don’t be boring. Most applications companies receive are a resume with a cover letter attached, but there’s no rule saying yours has to. Surprise them by including a poster, a song you’ve written, a video, or something else made specifically for that company. You have about 15 seconds to catch the attention of the person looking through applications. Make yourself stand out."
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Friday, May 03, 2013
Wednesday, May 01, 2013
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